Name: Natasha Harper
Age: 32
Title: Mom/Owner/Climber
Married/Single: Engaged to my best friend/business partner/personal chef, Brian.
Kids: 9 year old son, 13 year old stepson and 3 dogs (those count, right?)
City you live in: Phoenix, AZ
A typical day in my life includes… my mornings start around 7 with getting the kids ready for school, and caffeinating myself. I have been lucky enough to be a part of two successful businesses, Value Card Alliance and my newest adventure, DocumentTrunk. As this is a significant new undertaking I try to find ways to relax in the evenings. This usually includes heading to the climbing gym, or working on homework and enjoying time with the kids.
I was born… in Millington, TN on an Air Force base, and moved pretty immediately afterwards. I’d love to go back and visit it as an ‘adult’ one day.
My favorite thing about Arizona… is a toss up between the massive amounts of sunshine that we get, and the easy access to mountains, lakes and everything in between.
I’m listening to… my custom playlists on Spotify (which playlist will depend on the mood I’m in). I’m that person who will listen to a song until I hate it…except I never end up hating it.
My family… is too far. Most of my family lives in Ohio, and I miss them dearly.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… myself at 20 years old.
One thing I cannot live without… climbing. I need that outlet in my life.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a truck driver. The thought of traveling the country and blasting my favorite music all day just seemed really appealing at the time. Ah, the aspirations of a 10 year old…
I’m inspired by… ambitious business women who seem to have the work/life balance nailed down. The one person who motivates me is…my son. I’m sure that is the answer of most moms, but it’s so true. Everything that I do is for him to have a good life.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… hmm, this one is stumping me! Too many things come to mind. Today, my answer is “prison systems in the US.”
The perfect day would be… waking up late, climbing until my hands hurt, getting a massage, taking a nap (I love my sleep) and ending the day at a concert with my friends.
My first job was… a cashier at Walmart.
My favorite escape… is rock climbing (AZ On The Rocks is my 2nd home). When I climb, I’m pushing myself so hard that everything else falls away – any stress, mental to-do lists, etc. cease to exist for that little bit of time.
My life… is getting closer each day to allowing me to live my ‘biggest dream’ – see below. Baby steps.
I’m currently working on… Brian and I are really focused on our newest venture, DocumentTrunk. We have been building this business from the ground up after discovering a very niche need in the market. I now spend a lot of time educating the public on our unique systems, which in a nutshell, store your most important documents and upon becoming disabled or diseased, proactively alert designated parties on your behalf. Many people don’t really think about what to do in these situations but once educated, understand the great benefits we can offer. We have been lucky enough to develop some great partnerships with attorneys and other likeminded businesses and I am thrilled with the response and growth we have been lucky enough to achieve so far.
Always… say please & thank you. Respect goes a long way.
Never… compromise. In love, business or anything else.
Favorite Quote… ”All God does is watch us and kill us when we get boring. We must never, ever be boring.” – Chuck Palahniuk
Biggest Dream… it would have to be to travel the world and visit some badass climbing destinations – South Africa, Thailand, Europe, etc, etc.
My Pet Peeve(s)… people who complain without doing anything to better themselves or their situation.