Name: Anne McAuley Lopez
Twitter: @AnneLopez313
Website: www.agencycontentwriter.com
Age: Old enough to know better, young enough to still try
Title: Wife, Daughter, Sister, Stepmom, Dog Mom, Writer, Cancer Warrior, and Wanna-Be Comedienne
Married/Single: Mother
Kids: 3 stepsons
City you live in: Chandler, AZ
A typical day in my life includes… walking my dog Stanley who is named after Stan, The Dog Who Can Blog, on the Disney channel, Coffee, Music, Writing, taking my chemo pill, and winding down with trash television

I was born… at Yale New Haven Hospital in New Haven, CT when Richard Nixon was President.
My favorite thing about Arizona… is that we do not have to shovel snow.
I’m listening to… classical piano, my go-to music when I am writing
My family… loves my weirdness and kindness, and supports me always.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… my mother who died in 1995, Tom Brokaw, and Cokie Roberts.
One thing I cannot live without… My husband Eddie
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a nurse, a doctor, a teacher. My dad was a teacher for 36 years. Now I hate the sight of blood so nursing and doctoring are out though I am a HUGE fan of Grey’s Anatomy. Ultimately, I decided that I love words and stories so here I am being a writer.
I’m inspired by… stories of survival and overcoming obstacles. I love Humans of New York because it shows the best of humanity, even in the comments.
The one person who motivates me is… my husband.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… To cure my uncurable cancer called Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML). The chemo pill manages the cancer but as of yet, there is no cure.
The perfect day would be… darn close to what I have now except I would be in a beach house with the windows wide open and wind blowing through. I inhale the scent of the sea and my neighbor’s bonfire…
My first job was… at a pizza shop in my hometown.
I once temp-ed for a podiatrist for one week. I have never seen so many toenails in one place in my life.
My favorite escape… Kauai. It is heaven on earth.
My life… is going too fast, and yet it has been a slow journey getting to where I am today.
I’m currently working on… a new project writing scripts for educational videos. You know the meme of the dog wearing glasses, sitting at a computer, and the caption, “I have no idea what I am doing” – That’s me with this project!
Always… changes the channel when ASPCA commercials come on because, while I know animal abuse happens, I don’t want to see it. I am visual and those pictures burn a hole in my memory. Same for news stories about abused humans.
Never…use the word irregardless. Never say mute when you mean moot. Never use the word squash when you mean quash. Never use words that you cannot spell; mine is tomorrow (spell checked for accuracy). Never say no to opportunity. I may not know how to write a script but I tried, and the client loved it.
Favorite Quote… There are so many that I love.
The Bible, from Hebrews, “Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you cannot see.”
JFK “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
RBG “Women belong in all places where decisions are being made.”
…and one of those inspirational, overcoming struggle that leads to success quotes
Biggest Dream… The beach house I mentioned earlier or a loft apartment in an old factory. Either way, I will have lots of plants and a dog, and my husband, of course.
My Pet Peeve(s)… This makes me think of Monica from Friends who, when asked, said, “ANIMALS DRESSED AS HUMANS!”
More About Anne McCauley Lopez:
I am the owner of McAuley Freelance Writing, LLC. Since my earliest years, I remember loving writing. Teachers would give us options of telling stories visually with poster board and markers or with words. I always chose words.
Since September 2010, I have been a professional writer, helping businesses get found online and on social media. This year I am launching my newest brand called Agency Content Writer. This brand is designed to attract Digital Marketing Agencies in need of a writer. Whether their staff writer is at full capacity or they need a contractor because they’ve sold a blogging package, I am here to make them look like a rock star to their clients by creating unique, relevant, and keyword-based content.
When not writing, I enjoy spending time with my husband Eddie and our sons, our dog, and friends. You can find me sipping wine, thinking of my next vacation to Kauai, or my novel that is still a work in process. Don’t ask how long the book has been in the process because I will probably lie. Suffice it to say, too long.