Name: Brian Laubenthal, ALINE Architecture Concepts
Instagram: @alinearchitecture @brian_laubenthal
Website: www.madewithaline.com
Age: 43
Title: Principal, Co-Founder.
Married/Single: Married. Wife: Kristi. Passionate about helping others as an RN in Oncology.
Kids: 2 awesome boys. Cruze 10, Braydon 13 years old, and a crazy Pitbull.
City you live in: Gilbert.
A typical day in my life includes… dreaming up new projects. I love that I get to work with our clients at the beginning of their projects to develop the concepts, drawings, and support them to be successful. Outside of work I’m with my kids, coaching them in life, and helping them achieve their goals.
I was born… in Battle Creek, Michigan. I have amazing parents and two older brothers that inspired me. Go Blue!
My favorite thing about Arizona… is no snow and amazing weather for 8 to 9 months of the year.
I’m listening to… my gut.
My family… is everything to me.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… my wife and two sons.
One thing I cannot live without… my kids.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… an Architect since 7th grade.
I’m inspired by… Amazing people making a positive impact in our community and our environment.
The one person who motivates me is… Me.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… to remove pollution and innovate our products so we support and work with nature.
The perfect day would be… a new adventure with my family hiking in a national park, exploring a new country, staring at the stars, smores around the campfire, and listening to my kids laugh.
My first job was… picking weeds and picking up trash at a golf course at 13 years old. Then by age 20 I was the pro-shop manager, did the hiring and firing, accounting and oversaw the golf club restaurant.
My favorite escape… Nature. I love being on a lake, hiking in the mountains, snowboarding, paddle boarding, and being away from the daily city life.
My life… is a great adventure.
I’m currently working on… several new restaurant concepts, volunteering to help Arizona Cancer Foundation for Children, creating the master plan for new large development, finishing several restaurants to open soon, in construction on multiple ground up new buildings around the Valley.
Always… be kind and show love.
Never… make work more important than family.
Favorite Quote… “a happy man lives in the present without regrets of the past or obsessions for the future.” – the Family Man
Biggest Dream… To live in the Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse.
My Pet Peeve(s)… any kind of mess or bad communication. I’m OCD about being clean and organized. I am big on communication and setting clear expectations.