Name: Catherine Newman
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Wicked-Rain-A-Pacific-NW-Craft-Beer-Bar-100354945578820
Instagram: @wickedrainaz
Website: wickedrain.com
Age: 50
Title: Co-Owner of Wicked Rain
Married/Single: Married
Kids: Jake 20 and Kate 16
City you live in: Chandler
A typical day in my life includes…coffee, work, sleep, repeat
I was born…in Manila, Philippines
My favorite thing about Arizona…There’s no traffic, or at least it’s a lot better than where I used to live.
I’m listening to…Seattle bands on repeat
My family…loves to eat, I mean all the time.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…with my best friend Sook (we joke around that we are eating champions), well ok, my husband, Tony.
One thing I cannot live without (two things) my phone and handbags
When I was younger, I wanted to be…an architect or a fashion designer
I’m inspired by…my parents. They immigrated from the Philippines to the USA and had to start their life over. With hard work, discipline, and passion, they accomplished big things!
The one person who motivates me is…my husband. He has incredible work ethics and utmost integrity.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… for people to be more kind to each other.
The perfect day would be…hanging out all day with my big family on a vacation somewhere where the little kids are playing together, everyone just hanging out, telling stories, and being the crazy family we are…and eating of course!
My first job was…in high school, serving burgers at the Seafair Torchlight Parade from my uncle’s food truck.
My favorite escape…hot bath, music on…do not disturb sign on.
My life…has many crazy stories.
I’m currently working on…a lot of projects at the same time!
Always…call your parents as much as you can! Put things back wherever you find them please…
Never…say anything, if you have nothing good to say.
Favorite Quote…“Don’t worry about how much something costs, figure out how you will make the money to someday have it” – My dad (translated from Tagalog)
Biggest Dream…for my kids to be role models to their kids and others.
My Pet Peeve(s)…dirty house and dirty dishes….
Bio-on yourself/company: Accidental banker for 23 years, Catherine held positions from a teller to a district manager for several banks, including Wells Fargo, US Bank, and JP Morgan Chase. She also has experience in manufacturing, operations, and logistics management.
Wicked Rain was created by husband and wife, Tony and Catherine Newman, to show their hometown love rooted in the Pacific Northwest (PNW) and now, Arizona. They moved from Seattle to Arizona in 2018 and wanted to create a gathering place for people from the PNW and locals alike, and merge the two cultures together. The craft beer selection and vibe at Wicked Rain is meant to showcase both regions.