Name: Ian Tudor
Instagram: @stickys
Website: www.hellostickys.com
Age: 33
Title: Partner
City you live in: Los Angeles
A typical day in my life includes… building Stickys, a company I launched this year.
I was born… with a sweet tooth that has only intensified in my years.
My favorite thing about Arizona… sunrises over the McDowell Mountains. Early mornings in Scottsdale are something I enjoyed. Everyone was friendly too. I live in LA, and it’s not the same level of openness as when I was in Scottsdale.
I’m listening to… Spotify house music
My family… taught me what stability really looks like.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Theo Von.
One thing I cannot live without… McConnell’s ice cream
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a man on the back of a garbage truck. No disrespect to garbage men, but I’m glad life went a different direction.
I’m inspired by… people who put their feelings aside to get a job or goal accomplished.
The person/people who motivate(s) me is/are… people who take on large amounts of responsibilities instead of seeking endless personal pleasures. We live in a world where our generation wants to avoid commitment (personal/professional) in hopes of preserving themselves. When I’ve found that you do the opposite and work through obstacles, and everything starts to come together.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… change the zoning ordinances in America to make more walkable cities/villages. We view the car as a vessel of freedom when in fact we can’t exist without it. It’s ironic but I believe changing the urban design and neighborhoods to allow people enjoy life without having to jump in the car and their life satisfaction will increase.
The perfect day would be… going to the beach, getting a few hours of work done, spending time with people I enjoy, finishing the day with ice cream.
My first job was… a cart boy at a country club.
My favorite escape… I’ll let you know when I find it.
My life… is going well.
I’m currently working on… building Stickys, educating the world on the power of your breath. We breathe over 25,000 times a day and spend little time improving it. Our breathing is the foundation to our health.
Always… eat enough protein per day
Never… skip ice cream
Favorite Quote… you never live the life you planned. My father told me this as a child and every year it becomes true. It means have dreams. Take action. But allow life to unfold. There will be detours and unexpected turns, but it is journey to be enjoyed.
Biggest Dream… I have two.
One is to transform America’s idea of what it means to live in a community through great urban design. I plan do this through my real estate development company.
I spend most of my day right now attempting to raise the awareness about breathing. A few small changes can improve your life in short order. So many chronic health issues can be linked to poor breathing habits.
My Pet Peeve(s)… people who take zero accountability for what is going on in their life.