Name: James Gold
Instagram: @itsagoldworld
Age: 32
Title: Managing Member
Married/Single: Single
Kids: None
City you live in: Scottsdale, AZ
A typical day in my life includes… Morning sun, business meetings, workouts, and great food.
I was born… in Berkeley, raised in San Francisco, CA.
My favorite thing about Arizona… the beautiful landscape, sunrise/sets, as well as the number of entrepreneurs and motivated people you will meet.
I’m listening to… “Just Got to Be” by The Black Keys
My family… Father, Mother, and younger sister.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Jordan B Peterson. Conversations with him would be fascinating and enlightening.
One thing I cannot live without… live music, good company, and great food.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a doctor or James Bond. Still working on one of them.
I’m inspired by… those that do what they say. Actions over everything.
The one person who motivates me is… my father. He’s the embodiment of work hard and provide, while making time to have something to look forward to.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… to have the world focus on promoting a net positive in all areas – whether it be with focusing on ensuring our food is truly healthy, or ensuring our actions help the most people – using logic and longer-term thinking to guide us.
The perfect day would be… a day with family and friends.
My first job was… selling homemade lemonade in my front yard to neighbors.
My favorite escape… the gym, and travel.
My life… is an amazing journey and adventure.
I’m currently working on… building the most exclusive luxury living in Tulum, MX and more.
Always… Say what you mean. Move. Eat well.
Never… give up. You can’t lose if you never quit.
Favorite Quote… “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs
Biggest Dream… building a life I created for myself.
My Pet Peeve(s)… negativity. No need. Move on.
Bio-on yourself/company: James Gold is the managing partner of D & G Tulum Developers, a privately held, real estate development company, building exclusive luxury living in Tulum, MX. He started investing in real estate to achieve generational wealth for himself and his family. After he acquired his first rental property, he quickly understood the potential of the industry – and never looked back. Today, he controls real estate in the US as well as internationally in Mexico, maintaining a desire to share his knowledge with as many people as possible. James also has his Bachelor’s degree in marketing, a Master’s degree in business/entrepreneurship, provides business consultation in the communications and remote software space, and provides investors with the support they need to acquire properties. More buildings and business ventures to come soon. James has shown his partners and investors how to keep a positive growth mindset, and live a rich, full life.