Name: Jessica Parsons
Twitter: @JessParsonsTV
Facebook: @jessica.parsons.9210
Instagram: @JessParsonsTV
Website: www.GCJPR.com
Age: 51
Title: Public Relations Manager
Married/Single: Married for 23 years and counting….
Photo courtesy @CapturedByChris
Kids: One and done. He’s my best creation, but at 10.5 lbs., well, that was it for me.
City you live in: Scottsdale! Just feels like home.
A typical day in my life includes… my alarm clock which is set to Dolly Parton’s “9 to 5”;thinking about my next TV binge and whether I can squeeze in a workout or into an outfit; fighting my brain’s urge to count every single calorie; dog walks for three rascal mutts; and work, work, work from Monday through Sunday some weeks—if that’s what it takes.
I was born… on Holy Thursday which my mom reminds me of often.
My favorite thing about Arizona… The sunlight, the mountains, the Spring, the 51, the monsoon… so many things.
I’m listening to… Best of the 80s, no joke. I’m having a moment. Let me have this. “Walking On Sunshine” is energizing my spirit right now.
My family… is my soft spot, where I can be myself with no judgement, and feel safe and supported.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Oprah. I love her wisdom.
One thing I cannot live without… Nutella. And a spoon.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… Nightly News Anchor Jessica Savitch. While everyone else was playing with dolls, I was playing “broadcast news anchor.”
I’m inspired by…. powerful women who tell it like it is.
The one person who motivates me is…. pretty much any money guru or workout star on Instagram. They all motivate me to keep watching and wishing.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… atrocities to children and animals. And the fair and equal treatment of women around the world.
The perfect day would be… waking up whenever, with a cup of coffee, and watching the world go by.
My first job was… entertaining! Stocking at the former Fabricland in Tempe. Notion anyone? That’s a fabric joke.
My favorite escape… Anywhere there’s an ocean. I’m not picky.
My life… is full of sugar and spice.
I’m currently working on… myself, always. And reading “The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself.”
Always… I’m always right. That’s just a given.
Never… I’m never wrong. See above.
Favorite Quote… I keep a folder of favorite quotes, so this is hard. The most recent I heard and loved was in the documentary “Still”: “With gratitude optimism is sustainable.”- Michael J. Fox
Biggest Dream… to travel the world with glee and vitality.
My Pet Peeve(s)… I have so many, trying to narrow it down is impossible. Where do I even begin? Big egos, unsolicited advice, the devil’s advocate, the “Eeyore” personality, bad grammar, literally the word “literally” especially when I use it … ah, see, now you got me going.
Bio-on yourself/company: I’m an ASU grad with a journalism degree, and I’ve spent more years than I can count as a producer and reporter for 3TV, and the Editor-in-Chief of three Valley magazines. After receiving that one coveted Emmy, I hung up the microphone and joined Gordon C. James Public Relations. Here, I assist clients in fulfilling their media goals while engaging in work that challenges and fills me.