Name: Kirsten Holmstedt
Facebook: Treasure In The Detail
Instagram: @treasureinthedetail @homestotreasure
Website: www.treasureinthedetail.com, www.homestotreasureshop.com
Age: 39
Title: Founder & CEO
Married/Single: Married
Kids: A daughter
City you live in: Mesa, Arizona and Seaside, Oregon
A typical day in my life includes… Get up early to prep for the work day, prepare my daughter’s lunch and help get her ready for school, head to my Design Studio in Gilbert, AZ to meet with my design team, put together design proposals, work on PR/Marketing initiatives, financials, and finish the day with a workout at Burn Bootcamp
I was born… in Illinois
My favorite thing about Arizona… the weather (despite the crazy hot summers) and easy access to so many great shopping resources, restaurants
I’m listening to…. various podcasts and music artists (I love A Well-Designed Business by LuAnn Nigara)
My family… is my rock. My touchstone
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Jesus. I have a lot of questions 🙂
One thing I cannot live without… My family
When I was younger, I wanted to be… A teacher and a model
I’m inspired by… women entrepreneurs that set themselves apart and build a brand that stands out
The one person who motivates me is… My daughter, Rylee and my husband, Ryan
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… homelessness and that each child was cared for and loved
The perfect day would be… sleeping in in my comfy bed and cuddling up watching a movie with my family. Then brunch with prosecco followed by a fun afternoon with my closest friends and momma
My first job was… a receptionist at a hair salon at the young age of 14
My favorite escape… So many! A good workout that makes you feel exhilerated. A fun afternoon with friends at the pool. Eating fish and chips and enjoying a fresh cold beer at my Summer home in Seaside, Oregon
My life… is a constant work in progress. Always learning and trying to improve
I’m currently working on… trying to improve my health as well as becoming the best woman leader I can for my team
Always… keep learning and improving
Never… give up. My dad always preached “I get knocked down, but I get up again. Nothing will keep me down”
Favorite Quote… At my college graduation I had the opportunity to speak as the Outstanding Graduating Senior and I quoted Ralph Waldo Emerson “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” I still believe this strongly to this day
Biggest Dream… That Treasure in the Detail grows big enough to a place that it can bless so many people including families that cannot afford to furnish and style their home
My Pet Peeve(s)… Rework and inefficiency
Bio-on yourself/company: Treasure in the Detail Interiors was founded by the passionate owner, Kirsten Holmstedt. The company has grown into a full-service design firm with a team of experienced Designers and an Operations team to service their client’s needs. Treasure in the Detail has garnered attention in the media world from HGTV, Phoenix Home & Garden, and Business of Home, just to name a few.
Kirsten holds a Masters in Business from Arizona State University and possesses an abundance of knowledge and experience in Project Management, Residential Design & Styling, and Professional Organizing. Kirsten’s collective experiences have equipped her to excel at time management, problem solving, and attaining exceeding results. She has been continuously credited for contributing precision and laser focus with an ability to take something complex and lacking strategy and transforming it into a structured, beautiful masterpiece! Her philosophy for a space is to combine beauty with practicality. She loves working with neutral pallets and warm wood tones while adding pops of pattern and color to make her designs inviting and fascinating.