Name: Lindsay Hope
Facebook: Lindsay Cruz
Instagram: @lindsaycruz
Website: womenofthemodernrevolution.com
Age: 33
Title: Entrepreneur
Married/Single: Married
Kids: 4
City you live in: Phoenix (Arcadia)
A typical day in my life includes… Taking the kids to school, working at our RVLTN office, taking online classes, and fitting in a workout. Oh and finishing off with a big ol’ glass of wine, or three.
I was born… In Worcester, MA.
My favorite thing about Arizona… When springtime hits and we can enjoy all of the outdoor activities and spring training games. Also that we are within driving distance to so many beautiful places like Sedona.
I’m listening to… I’ve been nerding out hard on investment podcasts!
My family… is wild. My house is a zoo with 4 kids, a dog, and my dad living with us but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Matthew McConaughey because he’s the man.
One thing I cannot live without… Yoga because it’s the only thing I do where my mind doesn’t wander and I’m completely relaxed. Also wine. Definitely can’t do without that.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… I was one of those people who never knew what I wanted to be. Even at 33 I still change my mind every few years!
I’m inspired by… my husband and my father because they’re the greatest people I know.
The one person who motivates me is… My daughter. I want to show her that women are badass and capable and that she can be anything she wants to be.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… How divided everyone is right now and obviously… Covid can go away now.

The perfect day would be… At the beach with my family, playing games and boogie boarding! My first job was…at a pizza place- They wouldn’t let me drive the delivery car though.
My favorite escape… doing a staycation at the Montelucia with my husband.
My life… is beautiful. It can be chaotic and messy but I am happy, healthy and thankful.
I’m currently working on… getting my certificate in Public Relations.
Always… trying to be a better person, student and mom.
Never… take anything for granted.
Favorite Quote… One that I have tattooed- “May the wind be at your back, the sun upon your face, and may the winds of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.”
Yes, I have a quote from Blow on myself lol.
Biggest Dream…To live half of the year in Italy.
My Pet Peeve(s)… Listening to people chew and bad spelling.

More About Lindsay Cruz:
I’m Lindsay, mom of 4 and Co-Owner of RVLTN Studio, Women of the Modern Revolution, and Mood Botanics. My partner and I pride ourselves on being a women-owned + self-funded business. Our passion is focused on building a community of like-minded creatives while helping others elevate their businesses.
My background is in fitness, I am a 200 hour registered yoga instructor, and currently a student at UCLA for Public Relations. When I’m not working or taking classes you can catch me at yoga, traveling, and watching my kids play sports!