Name: Mike Davis
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lifeinplace
Instagram: @davis_lifeinplace
Website: www.thedavisexperience.com
Age: 65
Title: ‘Papa’ (for my 3 grandsons), ‘Yogi Bear’ (from my wife Lisa and kids for rummaging the kitchen for late night snacks that just might not be my own!), ‘Founder/CEO’ at DAVIS, our 32-year-old Architecture, Interiors and Urban Design firm, ‘Head of Shipping and Receiving’ at the Davis residence where we take in dozens of Amazon boxes and Instacart orders weekly!
Married/Single: Married to Lisa for 38+ years
Kids: Daughter Taylor, Architect at DAVIS, married to Nate, mother of 2 grandsons, Louie, and Davie – who I fondly refer to as the ‘Mansters’; Daughter Landry, Founder of Border & Brown – a shop that celebrates all things Arizona, married to Chris, mother of grandson Bowen, 1 year old; and Son Jack, Finance major at ASU, and aspiring NFL or NBA General Manager.
City you live in: Phoenix, Flagstaff, Chicago
A typical day in my life includes… Taking a 2–4-mile morning walk with my wife, a portion of which will include our two new ‘Frenchies’ – Mimi, and Coco.
I was born…In Tucson in 1958 at the same hospital my Mom was born at in 1936.
My favorite thing about Arizona…The smell of creosote after a desert rain
I’m listening to…Old ‘Genesis’ – the first 6 albums that include Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett
My family…is my greatest blessing
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…Jesus
One thing I cannot live without…a functioning TV remote
When I was younger, I wanted to be…an Architect
I’m inspired by…Excellence; be it in art, music, food, entertainment, athletics, design, or most particularly human courage and compassion in the face of evil.
The one person who motivates me is…my wife, Lisa. She’s been motivating me from the minute we met 40 years ago.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…to permanently rid the world of totalitarian, socialist/communist government. For well over 100 years, it’s proven to be nothing but a cause of misery and an incalculable amount of human suffering. It will never be the answer. Civilized people can and must do better than Marx and his bankrupt ideas.
The perfect day would be…any time with my wife – especially in France!
My first job was…a construction site laborer at age 15.
My favorite escape…A Sunday afternoon round of golf by myself at Forest Highlands – concluding at sunset.
My life…brings me challenge and joy. I am constantly searching for better methods, habits, and processes while at the same time content and thankful.
I’m currently working on…transforming our company for generational success.
Always…Do all you say you’re going to do.
Never…Encroach on other people or their property.
Favorite Quote…” First class or no class, but never middle class”. (from my friend Carlton about 40 years ago.) I’m not a fan of ‘mediocre’.
Biggest Dream…My kids and grandkids gain the wisdom and experiences that enable them to live lives that make the world a better place.
My Pet Peeve(s)…non-functioning technology. It’s worse than no technology, because it creates an illusion that assistance is on the way…but ‘NO’! DENIED!!!
Bio-on yourself/company: For the past 46 years, Mike Davis has led DAVIS Architecture into its current success in the architecture and design industry. A Registered Architect for 39 years, Davis has designed 100 million square feet of highly successful business, residential and social environments with a total value of $20 Billion. He’s received numerous awards and praise for changing the Metro Phoenix landscape with thoughtful and innovative design. Davis is married to his wife, Lisa Davis, who is also a very successful interior designer and co-founder of the firm, and together they have three children. Davis takes full advantage of the Arizona outdoor lifestyle and is often golfing or hiking. He also enjoys watercolor painting and theology.