Name: Nicholas Payne Knudsen
Twitter: NA
Facebook: Nicholas Payne Knudsen
Instagram: @nicholas_payne_knudsen
Age: 39
Title: Founder
Married/Single: Single
Kids: Three cats and two dogs.
City you live in: Gilbert
A typical day in my life includes… I usually wake up at 5:30 and feed my pets, then check emails, look at the stock market, the news, and I start my work day with a conference call from either China or Germany where we have business connections.
Next, I head over to my fabrication shop to work on the latest prototypes. Later in the day, I will go to the office to get an update on clients and orders, then have several meetings. I always skip lunch because I think it’s a waste of time. By mid-afternoon I’m returning emails, participating in conference calls, then heading back home.
When I’m home, I feed the pets dinner, work on blueprints for new prototypes, then I exercise, shower, watch a TV show, eat dinner and go to bed to do it all again the next day.
I was born… in Phoenix, AZ.
My favorite thing about Arizona… is the people.
I’m listening to… classical.
My family… is very close knit, in fact, my grandpa helps me with prototypes.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Albert Einstein.
One thing I cannot live without… my truck.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a veterinarian.
I’m inspired by… good people.
The one person who motivates me is… my grandfather.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… to make it a safe place.
The perfect day would be… laying on the beach.
My first job was… construction with my family’s crane company.
My favorite escape… nature.
My life… is busy.
I’m currently working on… A robot to RC through buildings with a UVC light attached to it.
Always… be kind to others.
Never… take advantage of others.
Favorite Quote… “You can never try hard enough.” – My Grandpa, James Knudsen
Biggest Dream… save the world.
My Pet Peeve(s)… lazy people.

More About Nicholas Knudsen
Nicholas Knudsen is the founder of Purification LLC, an innovative, Arizona-based company that uses state of the art methods to disinfect air and surface contaminants, reduce spore activation and kill airborne pathogens by using unique CDC approved UVC light bulbs. This technology brings increased safety to homes, businesses, schools and other spaces through environment and HVAC air sterilization.