Name: Jenny Goldman
Facebook: Jenny Plumer-Goldman
Instagram: @jengoldman21
Website: phoenixchildrensfoundation.org/signature/beach-ball
Age: 42
Title: Mom, Wife, Realtor
Married/Single: Married to my amazing husband, Jason.
Kids: Two kids (10-year-old girl and 13-year-old boy)
City you live in: Phoenix
A typical day in my life includes… getting the kids ready and off to school, working out, working,
errands, and then chauffeuring the kids to various sports.
I was born… in Syracuse, New York, moved to California when I was 7-years-old and Tucson when I was 13-years-old.
My favorite thing about Arizona… I love that we can be in a new climate and topography in less than two hours. Our sunsets are also out of this world.
I’m listening to… Dateline podcasts.
My family… is the most important thing in my life. I have an amazing, loving and supportive husband and two amazing kids. We love to travel and adventure together. My parents live in Tucson and we are very close. We try to see each other at least once a month.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Justin Timberlake. He’s my long-time crush since I was 12-years-old.
One thing I cannot live without… Starbucks coffee. I order the same thing every morning. Tall iced double soy latte.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… A newscaster, which makes sense now. I am such a reporter. In fact, my friends always call me because they say that I always know what’s going on. It’s a running joke to check with me and I will probably know or find out the answer.
I’m inspired by… my kids. I want to be a good example for them and show them that hard work and being a good person pays off.
The one person who motivates me is… my husband. He is the hardest working man I know. He never complains and is the light in my life.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… I mean…. mass shootings in schools NEED to end.
The perfect day would be… waking up near the ocean, walking to breakfast after grabbing coffee, all done with my family. A day in the sun and the water ending with a yummy sushi dinner, some Netflix and early to bed.
My first job was… bagging groceries at Bashas in Tucson, followed by Einstein Bros. Bagels which was still my favorite job as a younger person. All my friends worked there; it was a total social experience.
My favorite escape… Our cabin in Pinetop, Ariz. It’s a slower pace and just so peaceful up there. My kids run free and rarely touch technology. The air is fresh, and I feel my blood pressure lower up there.
My life… is full at the moment. I am busy with my kids, volunteering, working on real estate, being the CEO of our home/life. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m currently working on… I just finished chairing Phoenix Children’s Beach Ball. It was such an amazing and rewarding experience. I look forward to continuing my work with Phoenix Children’s. I also volunteer at my kids school and am currently planning the 8th grade end of year dance and getting ready for my son to go to high school.
Always… believe that you can do anything. It’s cliché but I have found this to be true in anything I really want. Also, follow your gut, it mostly always has the right answer.
Never… feel like you are “not enough” to do something. We all have it inside of us to achieve anything. Tell that voice in your head to shut it!
Favorite Quote… “We don’t have a problem, until we have a problem.” Isn’t that the truth. Sometimes we make something a problem that’s not a problem and create a worse problem.
Biggest Dream… to live in New York City with my husband someday. IT’S HAPPENING!!
Bio-on yourself/company: Jenny Goldman is a realtor based out of Central Phoenix. She also was the co-chair of the recent Phoenix Children’s Beach Ball signature event. Now in its 30th year, the event is a vital source of funding for Phoenix Children’s Hope Fund, which raises money to support the areas of greatest need at Phoenix Children’s. This year, the event raised more than $1.1 million and had around 500 guests in attendance with tasty bites and refreshments, along with live Yacht Rock performances.