Name: Ryan Schultze
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mavricelectricbikes
Instagram: @mavricbikes
Website: www.mavricbikes.com
Age: 39
Title: Founder
Married/Single: Married
Kids: 2
City you live in: Paradise Valley
A typical day in my life includes… Organized chaos. Some days I am assisting with marketing and some days I am assembling bikes. No two days are the same, and I would not have it any other way.
I was born… Alta, Iowa. Small town USA! I graduated with 56 students … Super proud Iowan!
My favorite thing about Arizona… is all the transients. This place is a melting pot that really brings people from all walks of life together.
I’m listening to… Nate Smith. Always, ha. My wife and I have been to three of his shows in 2022.
My family… is my world.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…Elon Musk. Putting aside political views, he is an absolute legend. I am convinced he does not sleep and may indeed be a robot.
One thing I cannot live without… is my wife. She is my backbone and ALWAYS supports my crazy ideas.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a doctor. I worked in medical device sales early in my career. We do NOT pay the doctors enough.
I’m inspired by… fellow entrepreneurs. This is the most rewarding and yet taxing position in the world.
The one person who motivates me is… my mother. She was a single mom and put herself through college, including a doctorate degree in education.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… how divisive politics have become.
The perfect day would be… a family day on the beach. Preferably a tropical setting, ha.
My first job was… selling phone book advertisements for the Yellow Pages. What a grind!
My favorite escape… hiking! Last December, I climbed Pico de Orizaba just outside Mexico City. 18,491 ft!!
My life… is a gift. Tomorrow is not guaranteed so go out and seize the day.
I’m currently working on… a new bike launch set to release in February! I can’t wait to unveil this one!
Always… respect your elders. I watch how our youth interact with adults today and it concerns me.
Never… settle.
Favorite Quote… “Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution.” – Unknown
Biggest Dream… “retiring” in my 50s … traveling with my wife … and having our daughters meet us wherever we are currently vacationing.
My Pet Peeve(s)… When people are unable to say – Please, Thank You, and I’m Sorry!
Bio-on yourself/company: Mavric Electric Cycles was founded in Paradise Valley, Arizona in 2020. We specialize in designing high-end electric motor bikes with best-in-class bike components. We have several different models to accommodate ALL skill levels. Check out our website mavricbikes.com for a retail location near you. Life is short. Ride Mavric! I was also recently the co-chairman for PCH50’s Off the Record event. The signature event raises money for Phoenix Children’s to support patients and families. This year, the ticketed event, had country superstar Tyler Hubbard. World-class treatment and care for children in Arizona requires world-class talent and PCH50 is happy to help support this incredible organization and its mission.