Phoenix Fashion Week Emerging Designer: Quinlan Wilhite

Name: Quinlan Wilhite





Age: 28

Title: Apparel Designer

Married/single: single

Kids: none

City you live in: Tucson, AZ

A typical day in my life includes…

sewing, emails + to-do’s, designing, a sandwich, exploring, more sewing.

I was born in… 

Tucson, AZ.

My favorite thing about Arizona…

how beautiful the outdoors are!

I’m listening to…

Leon Bridges.

My family…

is awesome! Supportive parents and 2 ambitious younger brothers.

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…

Levi Maestro, again!

One thing I cannot live without…


When I was younger, I wanted to be…

a construction worker.

I’m inspired by…

the ambition around me!

The one person who motivates me…

Gary Vaynerchuk.

If I could change anything in the world, it would be…

no more war!

The perfect day would be…

spent with the ones I love!

My first job was…

assistant in the Steward Observatory machine shop.

My favorite escape…


My life…

is an absolute blessing!

I’m currently working on…

new designs, and upping my personal ante everyday!


provide value.



Favorite quote…

“To wish anyone anything but the best is a waste of energy!” –Levi Maestro

Biggest dream…

to make a genuine impact, no matter the scale!

My pet peeve(s)…

bad drivers.

Quinlan Wilhite will be showing his designer collection during Phoenix Fashion Week at Talking Stick Resort October 4 – 7, 2017. Phoenix Fashion Week is the leading fashion industry event in the Southwest bridging the gap between national and international designers, premier retailers and top fashion media garnering global exposure for Arizona’s fashion industry.

Through educational fashion seminars, year-round fashion events, and charitable partnerships, Phoenix Fashion Week is gaining rapid acclaim for its community-service efforts and for infusing world-class innovation into the Southwest. For more information and tickets click here. Follow Phoenix Fashion Week on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.


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