Name: Scott Keppel
Twitter: @STSGetFit
Facebook: Scott’s Training Systems and Scott Keppel
Instagram: stsnation
Website: www.scottstrainingsystems.com
Age: 44
Title: Owner, Fitness,Nutrition and Mindset Coach
Married/Single: Married
Kids: 3- Gavin-18, Alexandra (Alex) 16, Gabriel (Gabe) 13
City you live in: Tempe
A typical day in my life includes… Waking up between 4:30-5:30 heading to STS to coach clients until 8 am. I lift at 8, then clients 9-2. A break which at times is picking up the kids from school or doing admin work then clients 4-6 some days and other days I am done at 2. After work, I take our two dogs on a walk and then make dinner or vice versa follow up with admin work and/or program design for clients. I end the day with an hour or so of relaxing.
I was born… in Dunkirk, NY
My favorite thing about Arizona… My favorite thing about AZ is no snow unless I want to drive up North.

I’m listening to… Country and/or Classic Rock more often than not.
My family… is my everything. My wife’s strength and passion inspire me to be a better man. My children are all extremely hard-working, intelligent, and overall good kids. I am blessed.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Arnold Schwarzenegger.
One thing I cannot live without… My faith.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…a pro football player
I’m inspired by… God and stories of those that have overcome their environment/circumstances to become a better version of themselves.
The one person who motivates me is… myself.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… Obesity. Obesity leads to so many other conditions, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, heart disease, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and so many more. If people would just take 30 minutes a day to move, eat more whole foods and drink more water they would reduce several of these conditions tremendously.
The perfect day would be… Wake up between 6-7, eat breakfast, coach clients for a couple of hours, lift weights and do 20 minutes of cardio and/or stretching, eat and then coach clients for a couple more hours. Write programs and complete admin work, practice Yoga, eat dinner, and hang out with my family.
My first job was… Working at a local convenience store stocking shelves, cleaning, and yard work.
My favorite escape… Laguna with my family.
My life… is blessed and full of opportunity.
I’m currently working on… I am currently working on getting in touch with schools to help kids with exercise. Due to COVID-19 so many kids are not getting nearly enough exercise. Most were already struggling, but now they are lost with what to do either in place of PE or after school. In addition, I am working on helping local businesses with a team of 100 or less employees develop an inexpensive wellness plan to help combat the stress of work, the world and lack of movement.
Always…Be true to your word. One of the few things we own 100% is our own word. Do what you say you’re going to do when you say you’re going to do it and if you don’t own up to it.
Never… Treat others like you would want to be treated or worse. Treat them better.
Favorite Quote… “You have the power to say, This is not how my story will end”. Christine Mason Miller
Biggest Dream… To be on a national TV promoting health and wellness as well as being the Official Fitness/Nutrition Coach for Miss USA and Miss America.
My Pet Peeve(s)… people posting negative comments, bullies, people chewing with their mouth open, people having cell phones at the dinner table or when they are supposed to be present with someone or others.