Foundress Fridays: Arika Brenneman, Founder of Arika Brenneman Esthetics

Meet Arika Brenneman, founder of Arika Brenneman Esthetics. Arika is a licensed esthetician and laser tech with expertise in acne treatment. 

AB Esthetics uses medical-grade products to help customers achieve their skin goals in a safe, comfortable environment. 

The business offers acne, body, lash and brow, facial treatments, chemical peels, weight loss and microneedling services. The company believes you’re investing in yourself by investing in your skin.

“My goal at AB Esthetics is always to make sure that we all have a place to relax and feel good from the inside out. I aim to blend the ‘getting the skin of my dreams’ and the ‘I am doing something just for me’ vibe.” 

AZF: What is your “life motto?”

AB: Even when EVERYTHING is a mess… wash your face.

AZF: Did you always know that you wanted to be an entrepreneur? If not, when did you realize that it was the right path right for you?

AB: No! Early on, my life didn’t emphasize having “a path” let alone one that demands so much motivation and determination. I worked in the service industry for many years and once I had my daughter, I realized what I was capable of and what kind of example I wanted my daughter to have. I went back to school while being a full-time mom, a full-time employee, a full-time wife, and I found out how much I really cared about what I’m doing now and what it can mean to others. When you find that specific path you connect to immediately, you won’t stop until you make it work.

AZF: How do you feel best supported?

AB: Support looks and feels so different based on where you’re at and what you’re doing, but I think that as a person and a friend and what we call a “besthetician,” I feel the most supported by the people who have enough faith and trust in me to send their favorite people to me. Knowing that my clients feel as good about their treatments and results as I do fills my cup to the brim.

AZF: What motivates you to keep going amidst the challenges that come with being an entrepreneur?

AB: The challenges are there for a reason, you know? It keeps life fun and interesting (within reason). I have an incredible support system of smart and strong women, loved ones, and clients who just get me fired up and ready to see the next day and what we can do with it!

AZF: Describe your perfect Saturday morning.

AB: Picture it. It’s 9 a.m. I have a client who I haven’t seen in a month. We’re peeling. We’re extracting. We’re talking product. We’re following up on the tea I was served a month ago. Wash, rinse, repeat, but for the next 7 hours.

AZF: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a young entrepreneur who is just starting out?

AB: First, only do this if you love the field. Second, track your receipts. And third, you think you’re gaining freedom, but you’re going to have to work harder than you ever have, and you’re going to be so proud of yourself.

AZF: What excites you most about being an entrepreneur?

AB: I sometimes feel a little crazy because, in my everyday life, I feel like I’m playing Barbie with my best friends instead of feeling like an entrepreneur. My passion for this field, and how much I know I can help others with their skin concerns, makes me feel so excited. I have seen so much growth in myself as a professional, and I’ve also gotten to see and hear about so much growth in my clients and genuinely, that’s my fuel.

Follow Arika Brenneman Esthetics on Instagram and visit their Linktree.

About the Foundress

The Foundress is a creative community of female entrepreneurs established by Coley Arnold and Lindsey Holt, owners of Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market. The women-led networking group currently has over 120 members who receive exclusive access to mentorship from experienced female entrepreneurs and industry leaders; community gatherings that feature expert speakers and the opportunity to connect with like-minded women; as well as monthly Mastermind Groups where members can brainstorm and collaborate together.

Every Friday AZF will spotlight a member of The Foundress and her business in the online series Foundress Fridays. Learn more about The Foundress and join the community at

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