Foundress Fridays: Elizabeth Mackenzie, Founder of Elevate MindSkinSoul

Elizabeth Mackenzie is the founder of Elevate MindSkinSoul, an integrative skin studio offering modern and holistic treatments.

“Specializing in skin transformations with 13 years of experience. Blending corrective skincare with energy and sound enhancements. Each ritual is curated to help you elevate mind, skin, and soul.”

AZF: What is your “life motto”?
EM: “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.”

AZF: Did you always know that you wanted to be an entrepreneur? If not, when did you realize that it was the right path for you?
EM: “I didn’t always know. I’ve had numerous other opportunities working for others that fulfilled me and gave me great experiences. I believe it was just several nudges from the universe telling me there was more. The realization that my gifts and ideas could help others more if it was nurtured in the right outlet!”

AZF: How do you feel best supported?
EM: “I feel best supported when I’m able to prioritize my own self care. I show up so much better for my business when I’m pouring from a full cup and managing my stress. Calm, regulated, and having fun!”

AZF: What motivates you to keep going admist the challenges that come with being an entrepreneur?
EM: “Knowing that if I can help just one person feel better about themselves, help them feel supported or encouraged that I’m on the right path. I remind myself that life is more about what you scatter than what you gather.”

AZF: Describe your perfect Saturday morning.
EM: “Sleeping in, making a yummy breakfast and latte while jamming out, doing a meditation(with a face mask on of course), and going on a stroll with my pups!”

AZF: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a young entrepreneur who is just starting out?
EM: “Think outside of the box and look for help and answers in ways you normally wouldn’t. Stay connected to your community and other entrepreneurs that have done it before you. Do your research on everything, and don’t forget to put your own health and wellness first!”

AZF: What makes you most excited about being an entrepreneur?
 “I love getting to see all my creative ideas come to life and watch as they help others!”

Follow the Elizabeth Mackenzie on Instagram or visit the Elevated MindSkinSoul website for more information.

About The Foundress

The Foundress is a creative community of female entrepreneurs established by Coley Arnold and Lindsey Holt, owners of Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market. The women-led networking group currently has over 120 members who receive exclusive access to mentorship from experienced female entrepreneurs and industry leaders; community gatherings that feature expert speakers and the opportunity to connect with like-minded women; as well as monthly Mastermind Groups where members can brainstorm and collaborate together.

Every Friday AZF will spotlight a member of The Foundress and her business in the online series Foundress Fridays. Learn more about The Foundress and join the community at

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