Foundress Fridays: Monique Gomez, Owner of Dare to Heal

Meet Monique Gomez, owner of Dare to Heal, offering mental health services with a holistic approach.

“Monique Gomez is a former mental health clinician turned Trauma and Resilience Life Coach, Reiki Master and Bodyworker. We believe our life story has significant impact on our behaviors, feelings, and thoughts. Dare to Heal helps clients find the resilience in their story, build skills for self trust and self worth. We have multiple programs for every body at any stage of their healing journey. All programs include options for body and energy work as well as life coaching. Our perspective is to shift from symptoms to skills we all have in our history.”

AZF: What is your “life motto?”
MG: Listen, Learn, Love. These three words dropped in during a yoga class and they come in again when I need to slow down, be compassionate or trauma sensitive. This motto is a lot of what is missing in today’s society and culture so practicing this is a revolt to the status quo in an attempt to create a better world. These are all items I teach my clients to listen to their bodies and brains(their system) and to learn from it (be your own researcher) and love your body first (befriend your nervous system second).

AZF: Did you always know that you wanted to be entrepreneur? If not, when did you realize that it was the right path right for you?
MG: No I thought I wanted to be a teacher, until I was in charge of a 3rd grade class room and couldn’t command the room. I did know pretty early on, mostly as I struggled with authority or doing things “how we always do them”. I think the realization was somewhere around graduate school, around age 24.

AZF: How do you feel best supported?
MG: When clients confirm my passion work as useful or life changing. This work is truly life changing, but I can’t keep saying that to myself in my morning mantras. Client reviews, texts, emails and simply referring my services is a true support to my passion work.

AZF: What motivates you to keep going amidst the challenges that come with being an entrepreneur? 
MG: My current mission that we all need these body, feelings and thought regulation skills regardless of if someone signs up for one of my programs. When I get a “no” I view it always like a client is simply comfortable in their chaos. Being comfortable in the chaos of old patterns is totally biochemical and natural. However, the clients that do say yes, tell me I am not crazy for continuing this journey. That little changes over systems, feedback, team development or even a “no” client is all a learning and skill acquisition process. This core value of being a lifelong learner keeps me going.

AZF: Describe your perfect Saturday morning.
MG: I work most saturdays and it is my favorite as it is a blend of my Membership clients for bodywork and coaching. Having this blend of coaching, body work and energy work in a four to six hour day, is a day well spent. I’ve been connecting deeply with intuitively led sessions which fill my cup. Doing my passion work with clients isn’t just about helping them feel better, it really feels like I am changing the world.

AZF: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a young entrepreneur who is just starting out?
MG: Advice I’d give to a young entrepreneur is to always ask for help. As Dumbledore says help is available for people who ask, this is true everywhere. If you don’t know what you need, state that you do not know. We let our nervous system run the show instead of using it to our advantage to speak our truth. There is so much direction that comes from asking for help or even being in a like minded community.

AZF: What excites you most about being an entrepreneur?
MG: Creating programs, educate and supporting others are three things that excites me the most. I get to use most of my skills here. Getting feedback from clients, I was able to create a program that would be anyones needs for building regulation skills.

Follow the Monique Gomez on Instagram and visit their website for more information.

About the Foundress

The Foundress is a creative community of female entrepreneurs established by Coley Arnold and Lindsey Holt, owners of Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market. The women-led networking group currently has over 120 members who receive exclusive access to mentorship from experienced female entrepreneurs and industry leaders; community gatherings that feature expert speakers and the opportunity to connect with like-minded women; as well as monthly Mastermind Groups where members can brainstorm and collaborate together.

Every Friday AZF will spotlight a member of The Foundress and her business in the online series Foundress Fridays. Learn more about The Foundress and join the community at

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