Foundress Fridays: Wendee Saunders, Founder of Eclisse | Between You and The Sun

Meet Wendee Saunders, founder of Eclisse Between You and the Sun, a luxury sun protection skincare.

“Eclisse is for the woman who is intentional about her anti-aging beauty routine and pays close attention to her style. Our products are thoughtfully curated to be that chic addition to your daily beauty routine that is the final ingredient in keeping your skin protected day by day, event by event. Whether you are walking, hiking, running errands or touring the city, Eclisse will make sure you are protected without compromising fashion and style.”

AZF: What is your “life motto?”
WS: Anything is Possible.

AZF: Did you always know that you wanted to be entrepreneur? If not, when did you realize that it was the right path right for you?
WS: Yes. I have always sought Freedom. Being an entrepreneur allows me to freely create and design my life.

AZF: How do you feel best supported?
WS: Being around can-do, positive energy.

AZF: What motivates you to keep going amidst the challenges that come with being an entrepreneur? 
WS: The impact of what happens to those around me, specifically my family, if I quit.

AZF: Describe your perfect Saturday morning.
WS: Coffee, Scrolling, Walk and a Workout.

AZF: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a young entrepreneur who is just starting out?
WS: Get crystal clear on your vision. It needs to be so clear you can feel it.

AZF: What excites you most about being an entrepreneur?
WS: Unlimited Possibility, Personal Growth, Creating and Making A Difference.

Follow Eclisse on Instagram and visit their website for more information.

About the Foundress

The Foundress is a creative community of female entrepreneurs established by Coley Arnold and Lindsey Holt, owners of Junk in the Trunk Vintage Market. The women-led networking group currently has over 120 members who receive exclusive access to mentorship from experienced female entrepreneurs and industry leaders; community gatherings that feature expert speakers and the opportunity to connect with like-minded women; as well as monthly Mastermind Groups where members can brainstorm and collaborate together.

Every Friday AZF will spotlight a member of The Foundress and her business in the online series Foundress Fridays. Learn more about The Foundress and join the community at

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