Name: Cierra Luna
Twitter: @thecierraluna https://twitter.com/thecierraluna
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cierra.luna.798
Instagram: @thecierraluna https://www.instagram.com/thecierraluna/
Age: 24
Title: Uh Graduate Student…hope I have a title in January
Married/Single: Single pringle
Kids: No kids
City you live in: Phoenix
A typical day in my life includes… I like to get up and get coffee or get moving. Both are needed to wake me up or I will spend my morning binge-watching Netflix, which is sometimes needed. After I usually write out my day in my planner, catch up on emails, then take care of my errands. Things I typically do without COVID-19 restrictions, go to the gym, enjoy lunch dinner or drinks with friends, and in this heat, I love to swim. During the school year, I go go go sometimes forget to eat but never forget caffeine! I love to wine down with mood music and candles and I try to get 8 hours of sleep in.
I was born… in Albuquerque New Mexico
My favorite thing about Arizona… I can sit on a patio and enjoy brunch in November. The number of places to hike and get out and get active. The sunsets are beautiful, and I am a quick drive to the coast.
I’m listening to… Right now? Music, I love Bryce Vine! Surprisingly love Taylor Swift’s new album. I have also been listening to new Juice WRLD and Ellie Goulding. But some of my all-time favorite in rotation are Mac Miller, Flume, Led Zeppelin, Lorde, and Alina Baraz. A few podcasts I either stairstep or get ready to are True Crime Obsessed, Against all Odds, and Stuff You Should Know.
My family… two younger brothers, both in the service. I am a very proud sister. My parents still live in Albuquerque but we both visit frequently. And our two dogs a Pomeranian Chihuahua named Bella and a German Shephard mix named Koda!

If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Amelia Earhart because I want to know where she went! Can I say two people because also Beyonce because come on its Beyonce….
One thing I cannot live without… Music for sure.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a marine biologist, and then when I went into undergrad a nurse oh how things have changed.
I’m inspired by… the people in my graduate program and the women I aspire to be one day, working in sports. To break into a field as a woman, as a minority the grit, the determination, and the absolute badass-ness have never failed to astonish me.
The one person who motivates me is… two people… my brothers.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… people’s hearts. I think that differences are what make us unique and people should only be treated with kindness no matter who they are, what they look like, who they choose to love, and religion to practice. I think if everyone were a little more accepting and thought a little bit more about their neighbors than themselves, our world would gradually get better.
The perfect day would be… A bluebird snow day, probably on a mountain in Colorado somewhere. Waking up to breakfast burritos and the snow still and fresh. Lace-up your boots and be able to walk straight onto the mountain. After boarding some hot chocolate or hot toddies by the hot tub.
My first job was… PacSun. I was 15 and had to have a worker permit!
My favorite escape… a book or audiobook by the pool. Especially in this heat. When it gets a little chilly, the coffee shop for sure.
My life… “be like ooooo ahhh”
I’m currently working on… being confident in my abilities and skills to move into the professional field. I am trying to hone in on things I am good at to better figure out what I want to do when I graduate in the fall.

Always… be willing to help others.
Never… let anyone tell you that you do not matter and that you cannot insight change.
Favorite Quote… “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt.
Biggest Dream… To see the Dodgers, win a World Series. Even bigger work for the Dodgers the year they win the World Series.
My Pet Peeve(s)… PEOPLE TALLER THAN ME THAT WALK SLOW. Also, people who are rude to people in the service industry for no reason. Big fan of the golden rule.
More About Cierra Luna
Cierra Luna is a 24-year-old graduate student. She is pursuing a Master of Arts in Sport’s Journalism and will graduate in the fall. Cierra completed her undergraduate degree at the University of New Mexico with a Bachelor of Administration in business and a minor in psychology.
She hopes as the new year begins so will her transition into a career in sport’s business. She would like to work in marketing, sponsorship, and sales, or for a sport’s betting company. Her favorite thing outside of sports and her dog is snowboarding and traveling. Current favorite drink and movie combo? Anything Sci-Fi thinks interstellar and a glass of good red wine.