Name: Hugh Casiano
Age: my attorney says I don’t have to answer this one.
Title: Owner of One Armor
Married/Single: Married
Kids: 3
City you live in: Scottsdale
A typical day in my life includes…
cars, cars, cars and cars. I make them cooler.
I was born…
dirt poor but very loved (in Miami, Florida).
My favorite thing about Arizona…
it is the land of opportunity.
I’m listening to…
Winning by Santana.
My family…
makes me happier than I ever could have imagined.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
a younger me. I have some advice for him.
One thing I cannot live without…
my daughter’s smiles.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
much taller.
I’m inspired by…
consistent quality in almost anything.
The one person who motivates me is…
my wife, best person I’ve ever met.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
children would never be sad or hungry because all kids deserve a happy childhood. That’s why One Armor is honored to be the title sponsor for the Chandler Compadres’ 2018 Rock the Cause for Kids event. They are a nonprofit organization with the sole mission of providing support for East Valley families in need by donating time, resources, talents and money to help disadvantaged kids.
The perfect day would be…
no phone, movies in bed, ocean view.
My first job was…
selling newspapers door to door.
My favorite escape…
a road trip in a fast car to anywhere.
My life…
is better than I ever expected.
I’m currently working on…
everything, all at once.
take time to be grateful and humble. I’m luckier than most but not better than anyone.
forget where you came from.
Favorite Quote…
“It’s always a good day to encourage those close to you to be extraordinary. That makes you extraordinary too… and maybe that’s a good place to start fixing things instead of complaining about them.” – Hugh Casiano
Biggest Dream…
I’m living it now.
Pet Peeve(s)…
an unfair deal.
More about Hugh…
Hugh Casiano was raised in Miami, Florida and relocated to Scottsdale where he owns and manages several companies. Most of his business involves his passion for cars and people. After over 25 years in the Automotive Restoration and Aftermarket Business, Hugh has traveled the world and worked with some of the largest manufacturers like 3M, LINTEC of Japan and Huper Optik. Hugh loves being based out of Arizona where he can test all his products in the extreme desert climate because it ensures the durability and performance of all his products and services. Outside of work, Hugh is a big supporter of the Chandler Compadres, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization that donates to Valley charities, particularly those benefiting youth academic and development programs. One Armor is the title sponsor of this year’s Rock the Cause for Kids, one of the organization’s main events on Saturday, November 10th. Not only is it a night full of entertainment for guests, but it is also one of the biggest sources of donations for the Compadres. For more information, visit