Name: Lorri Craig
Age: 43
Married/Single: Married (23 years)
Kids: Five children (21, 20, 19, 15, and 14)
City you live in: Gilbert
A typical day in my life includes…
early morning scriptures with my family, school carpool, gym, church service in community, lesson preparations for teaching youth group, photography editing, more carpools, family meal prep, designated time to increase knowledge (books, audios, articles, online platforms, etc.).
I was born…
with a desire to nurture and serve.
My favorite thing about Arizona…
the sunsets.
I’m listening to…
my inner voice.
My family…
is one of my biggest blessings here on Earth.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
Byron Katie. I’d love to talk to her about her book “Loving What Is”.
One thing I cannot live without…
thoughts. It’s my choice to believe them or not, to judge them or not, or to allow them to serve me or not. Oh, and CHOCOLATE!
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
a mom.
I’m inspired by…
people who are emotionally intelligent. Also, people who are self disciplined and take care of their bodies.
The one person who motivates me is…
my husband, Brandon Craig.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
that every human being had the self–discipline to use their gift of language to build, uplift and inspire. When I hear people around me speak, it is usually to point out something that is negative instead of positive. If we have the choice, why do we choose negatives over positives?
The perfect day would be…
slowing down enough to embrace the present with heart and soul.
My first job was…
working as a cashier at a local grocery store during my high school years.
My favorite escape…
usually involves a passport and a beach.
My life…
is unfolding before my senses.
I’m currently working on…
self-observation and awareness.
create (at least) one act of going the extra mile each day with a pleasant and pleasing attitude.
do anything that doesn’t align for you.
Favorite Quote…
“May God bless you that you will radiate through your eyes, through your voices, through your communications, through your spirit as you meet people, that they will be refreshed, uplifted, inspired, and filled with the desire to be a little better, to try a little harder, to be a little more what our Heavenly Father would like us all to be.” –Elder Ballard
Biggest Dream…
is to travel the world with my camera in hand.
My Pet Peeve(s)…