Name: Michelle Berryman
Age: 35
Title: Co-founder of Desert Moms Blog & Owner of Paseo Creative
Married/Single: married
Kids: 5 ½ year old Graham and 16 month old Shea.
City you live in: Scottsdale
A typical day in my life includes…
it’s actually quite predictable these days. I’m woken up long before the sun comes up by kids that seem to have 8 cups of coffee in them already. Scramble to check emails, social media updates, feed and clothe my family, and get out the door to trek our son to Kindergarten. Come home to wrestle with my daughter for a bit. Once she gives into sleep, I catch up on work and chores. Then we either play, run errands, or I have meetings. She’s my sidekick these days. We hit the school pick up line about 3 where I catch up on emails and social in the waiting line. The rest of the night is usually pool time, dinner, and then catching up with my hubs and work once the kids are to bed. Pretty simple. I really love it.
I was born…
and raised in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. I’m a Badger fan and a die-hard cheese eater. But I wanted to head West for as long as I can remember.
My favorite thing about Arizona…
is that it never gets cold!! And the mountains and the sunshine are so good for my soul. I love the people too—so few are from here so it’s such an inviting, hospitable environment. Ok, so I can’t pick just one favorite thing!
I’m listening to…
toddler tunes. But Amos Lee is always my favorite, and I look forward to the day when I get control of my radio back.
My family…
is courageous. My mom was a warrior and I like to think that my own family has taken on that same trait. We get gritty, fight the good fight, take (calculated) risks, and have an insane amount of faith. And with that combination, somehow we usually end up on top.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
my husband (cliché, right?). I really like him though. Life is so hectic right now that we rarely get to go on a “date” just the two of us.
One thing I cannot live without…
is under eye concealer. So shallow, I know. But dark circles run deep in my family…and well, kids.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
practicing Advertising Law living in the heart of a metropolitan area. I was extremely school and career-driven and enamored with the hustle and bustle of city centers. I did an internship abroad in college and worked in an Ad Agency in Sydney’s CBD. I was in heaven and thought I had it all figured out! Marriage and kids were always distant in my vision for my life, but somewhere along the way that all changed. I think losing my mom when I was only 23 really shifted my priorities and perspectives in life.
I’m inspired by…
so much! But my almost 6 year-old son always inspires me. He has the kindest heart and warmest smile. He’s an introvert, but is supremely confidant in who he is. He is quick to forgive, incredibly patient and all around hilarious. He’s always been an old soul. I don’t know how I got so lucky to be his Mom! He makes me want to be better, work harder, love deeper…all while slowing down to savor the little things.
The one person who motivates me is…
Ashley, my business partner. She is one of the strongest, bravest, most driven, hard working women I have ever met. She rocks the mom world and the career world simultaneously with such enthusiasm and grace.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
fear, especially those that kids have to live with these days. It robs so many adventures to be had and joy to be experienced. I know we can’t be naïve or negligent, but I really hate that there is so much to be fearful of today.
The perfect day would be…
sleeping in until 9am (yes, that’s sleeping in!). Throwing on some ripped jeans and a v-neck and walking to a little coffee shop to enjoy conversation and quiet with my husband. Follow it up with a hike, and then head home to jump in the pool with the kids. Of course, all meals would be catered and my house would magically be crumb, toy and fingerprint free.
My first job was…
at a small outdoors store when I was 16. I got wholesale prices on The North Face and Patagonia and still have most of it to this day.
My favorite escape…
is the mountains. Hikes with my people are my most treasured times.
My life…
is much richer than I ever dreamt it could be. I am grateful.
I’m currently working on…
all things Desert Moms Blog. When I set my sights on something, I’m all in so this new venture is getting most of my attention and it’s a blast.
be authentic.
settle. Put in the work and anything is possible.
Favorite Quote…
“We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.”
Biggest Dream…
to facilitate an unstoppable community of moms here in the Valley—women who truly do life with each other. Motherhood can be a lonely season, and it shouldn’t be. I’m on fire to combat that!
Pet Peeve(s)…
grumpy people. Life is just too short for bad attitudes.
More about Michelle…
Michelle is a Wisconsin native, but fell in love with Arizona long before they even moved to Scottsdale in 2014. Sunshine and saguaros run deep in her veins, and she can’t envision life without the mountains! She and her husband have two sweet children, Graham 5 1/2 and Shea 1 1/2, both precious gifts through adoption. She spent ten years in PR before launching into the daunting, yet exhilarating world of entrepreneurship. She eventually traded in her e-commerce business for a position as a stay-at-home mom and freelance business and marketing consultant. She’s savored the slower pace of life and extra snuggles, adventures, and belly laughs with her family, but is excited about turning a passion and dream into a reality with Desert Moms Blog. Michelle has a heart for connecting with and encouraging other women, especially moms, and she thrives on diving into the difficult and sifting through it to uncover the silver lining.