Name: Stacy Fuson
Title: Business Executive, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist/Founder of The Stacy Fuson Foundation
Married/Single: Engaged
Kids: Not yet
City you live in: Arcadia
A typical day in my life includes…
many different tasks, but it always starts with a healthy breakfast and an early morning walk with our dog. Then its usually emails, various meetings, phone calls, executing work projects, building my charitable foundation, working out, running errands, cooking a healthy dinner and watching a show with my fiancé before going to sleep at 9:30pm.
I was born…
in Tacoma, WA.
My favorite thing about Arizona…
is the hiking and weather – unless we are between the months of June and September 😉
I’m listening to…
a very big variety: Taylor Swift, 80’s pop, old school rap, Smokey Robinson, Christian music, and Elton John.
My family…
is everything to me, there is nothing more important.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
my grandma, who passed away a few years ago. She was an extremely strong, kind, loving person who loved to laugh.
One thing I cannot live without…
is healthy food. I’m a firm believer you are what you eat. Food not only has a strong impact on your physical health, but also has a huge affect on your mental health.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
a doctor, and to this day I still read as many medical/health related news articles as possible.
I’m inspired by…
strong, fearless, philanthropic people who want to make a difference in the world and those who have shown great fortitude in life.
The one person(s) who motivates me is…
my family.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
to cure those living with a disability.
The perfect day would be…
beach, massage, and an amazing sushi dinner.
My first job was…
a cashier at an auto part store. I was 15 years old and very excited to be making my own money. I wanted to work as much as possible.
My favorite escape…
any white sand beach destination with warm water and great food.
My life…
requires wearing many different hats and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
I’m currently working on…
- Planning my wedding
- Managing and pursuing sales opportunities for VEROCOMM
- Building out my foundations board and planning our first Annual Charity Poker Tournament that will be held in early 2018.
- Managing my rentals
- Getting scuba certified for my honeymoon
- Weekly volunteering
- Being mindful and living in the moment
be grateful for what you have, treat people the way you want to be treated, and be kind to unkind people.
forget who you are and where you came from- and never let your current situation determine your future.
Favorite Quote…
“Differences can be a strength rather than a handicap” – Condoleezza Rice
Biggest Dream…
to have a successful charitable foundation that increases the quality of life and alleviates financial burden for those living with a disability.
My Pet Peeve(s)…
dishonesty, egos, and people that eat my food 😛
More about Stacy…
Stacy Marie Fuson recently relocated to Arizona from Los Angeles where she was a model and actress for over 15 years. She appeared in movies and television shows like Modern Family, Entourage, Iron Man 2 and Shallow Hal. Her modeling resume is even more impressive including four magazine covers, over twenty different publications such as Maxim, Shape, Cosmopolitan, Men’s Fitness, and successfully noted as the St. Pauli Girl and Playboy’s Miss February. Stacy started her first business at the age of 28, a successful vitamin company, Vitamins by Stacy. During that time, Stacy went back to school and received her bachelor’s degree in Management and Organizational Leadership from Azusa Pacific University. Some time after she started working for Aclipsa Mobile Video Solutions and earlier this year started the Stacy Fuson Foundation, a nonprofit organization offering financial support to people with disabilities. Stacy sits on the board of the One Step Closer Foundation, a nonprofit charitable organization helping those with Cerebral Palsy. She’s engaged to Scottsdale based Venture Capitalist David Paul and the two will marry on November 3rd in Arizona.