Name: Alicia Wadas
Websites: lavidge.com, fbincaaa.org, www.linkedin.com/in/aliciawadas
Title: Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer
Married/Single: Married
Kids: 3 adult children, 3 grandchildren and 3 granddogs
City you live in: Scottsdale
A typical day in my life includes… Kicking off my day like a true superhero: coffee, Bible study (because I need divine intervention to tackle my to-do list), and a 7am rendezvous with the FBI National Citizens Academy Alumni Association (FBINCAAA) volunteers across the country.
Then, I morph into my alter ego for LAVIDGE duties including my favorite aspect, coaching future LAVIDGE leaders. My Husband and I will have a romantic dinner (because even superheroes need their date nights), and then it’s back to the virtual battlefield, working tirelessly on FBINCAAA projects.
I was born… in Oklahoma (y’all) and raised in Minnesota (“don’tcha know?”)
My favorite thing about Arizona… The desert’s stunning beauty and diverse climates, just a short drive away – it’s truly remarkable!
I’m listening to… a Clive Cussler novel on Audible. His novels combine everything I enjoy about books – action, mystery, and historical intrigue.
My family… is amazing and incredibly special to me.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Odette Sansom. Her remarkable, yet relatively unknown, achievements as an agent for the United Kingdom’s clandestine Special Operations Executive in France during the Second World War, serve as a reminder that my fortunate life can contribute so much more. I’m truly inspired by formidable women like her, who paved the way for all women, championed freedom, and selflessly protected others.
One thing I cannot live without… Laughter.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… an astronaut or an FBI agent.
I’m inspired by… music. Depending upon my mood, my choice might be country, classical, or classic rock.
The person/people who motivate(s) me is/are… those dedicated to serving and safeguarding people and our cherished freedom.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… for humanity to cease causing harm to both one another and our fellow animals.
The perfect day would be… any day with all my family together.
My first job was… working three different jobs from 6 am to 11 pm to save for college tuition.
My favorite escape… It’s jet-setting around the globe and setting sail on cruises – because the world is our playground, both on land and at sea!
My life… is blessed, dynamic and a fulfilling journey.
Always… be kind and generous.
Never… say never.
Favorite Quote… Margaret Mead – “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
My Pet Peeve(s)… It’s the disappearing act of good manners. Let’s conjure up Miss Manners and sprinkle some politeness back into the mix, shall we?