Name: Chris Morrison
Twitter: @retsy
Facebook: @RETSYrealestate
Instagram: @retsy
Website: RETSY.com
Age: 41
Title: Founding Partner, Real Estate Broker
Married/Single: Married to my lovely wife, Kelley
Kids: Two wonderful children, Avery (12) & Warner (11)
City you live in: Phoenix, Arcadia neighborhood
A typical day in my life includes… As a busy real estate agent and Partner at a luxury real estate company, I’d love to say I’m out of bed early, but that would be a lie. I might be awake, but long before I step out into the kitchen for my coffee, I’m checking emails, reading up on the news, seeing what I missed overnight, or listening to books/podcasts. My schedule is very unpredictable, depending on what meetings, appointments, or commitments I might have that day. When time permits, my ideal first stop for the day is to Cholla trail on Camelback Mountain.
Whether working from home, the office, or in appointments with clients all day, I am never out of touch, perhaps to a fault. I always have my phone handy, checking emails, voicemails, and texts. I love staying busy and keeping my finger on the pulse with my family, partners, team, and clients. I take all of those relationships very seriously and enjoy all the different hats I get to wear within a day.
After a long day working, I feel blessed to come home to my beautiful wife and kids. While Kelley is a vegetarian, she has mastered cooking. Even non-vegetarian meals she can’t taste-test before dishes out to the family. In the evenings, sports and activities often fill the calendar, and sometimes it’s snuggling on the couch with the kids or pups watching Jeopardy and The Office re-runs. Either way, I look forward to this time with Kel and the kids.
On the weekends, you can often find my family at the Tee Pee with our best friends or at OHSO for brunch. We are routined in that respect but love our relationships at our fabulous local establishments.
I was born… And raised in Phoenix
My favorite thing about Arizona… The stunning landscapes, and the more than 300 days of sunshine per year – makes golfing more fun.
I’m listening to: When it’s music, it’s usually a Spotify playlist based around Frank Sinatra or classic rock. But most of the time when I have my AirPods in while working out or hiking, it’s an audiobook. Currently, I’m listening to “Rework”, a book that challenges conventional wisdom and provides a refreshing perspective on how to succeed in today’s fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape.
My family… Means the world to me. My wife Kelley is my rock, and I wouldn’t be where I am in life today without her support.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be: Jack Swilling, a veteran who came to the Salt River Valley in the 1860s and recognized the potential for agriculture in the area. His vision and entrepreneurial spirit played a significant role in the development of Phoenix Metro and helped to shape the city into what it is today. His legacy can be seen in the city’s canal system (the same canal I often walk with our dogs) and in the many businesses and industries that have thrived in the region over the years.
One thing I cannot live without: My phone. My wife is the best, and I couldn’t live without her either, but if I’m pressed for an answer, my phone. Don’t tell her I said that though – or at least, please remind her that’s how I call and text her so many times throughout the day.
When I was younger, I wanted to be: When I was younger, my mom used to say I would be on the cover of Forbes Magazine one day, saying I was born a businessman. Decades of education and experience later, I haven’t been on the cover of that particular magazine, but I now am a Founding Partner of RETSY, the exclusive representative of Forbes Global Properties in Arizona.
I’m inspired by: As someone who is passionate about technology, artificial intelligence truly inspires me. The limitless potential of AI to revolutionize industries, solve complex problems, and improve the quality of our lives is awe-inspiring. From autonomous vehicles to personalized healthcare, the advancements in AI are transforming our world at an unprecedented pace. I am grateful to be living in an age where such cutting-edge technology is rapidly evolving, and I am thrilled to witness and be a part of the incredible possibilities that AI holds for the future and RETSY.
The one person who motivates me is: I have always been very self-motivated, but nothing pushed me further than having a family. I was always proud to be able to provide for myself, but knowing I have three precious people at home relying on me is all the motivation in the world that I need. I am so grateful to have their support and encouragement as well.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be: Politics. We live in the greatest country in the world, and I am beyond proud of that. I wish we could go back to a time when our politicians’ job was to find solutions that would stick in the long term.
The perfect day would be: Sitting on a beach in Hawaii with my wife by my side and a chi chi with a rum floater in my hand.
My first job was: A Subway sandwich artist. Yes, artist.
My favorite escape: Fly fishing in Alaska with friends, surrounded by breathtaking scenery, pristine rivers, and abundant wildlife.
My life: Is very blessed. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I wake up grateful daily.
I’m currently working on: New ways to make RETSY the greatest real estate brokerage possible. I constantly come up with new ideas, some that work and some that don’t, but I never stop working on it.
Always: Keeping looking forward. The world changes so quickly that it’s so important to know what’s on the horizon.
Never: Count yourself out. There is always a way to reinvent yourself.
Favorite Quote: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker
Biggest Dream: Retire at an age where I am young and healthy enough to travel and enjoy life with Kelley and have enough financial security to put my kids through college.
My Pet Peeve(s): All things that aren’t clean. I’m a germaphobe so there are many things that make me crazy.
Bio-on yourself/company: Chris Morrison is the real estate guru you never saw coming. He is an entrepreneur at heart and his endeavors extend far beyond being an agent. Chris has a keen ability to pinpoint voids in the market, identify solutions and bring them to fruition. He is creative, innovative, and disruptive to the real estate industry.
Born and raised in Phoenix, Chris set his sights on real estate straight out of high school. He quickly realized he had a natural talent for the business and started to experience genuine success as an agent straight out of the gate. While commissions drove Chris to perfect his craft, he quickly saw many more opportunities for personal investment, growth, and expansion in the industry. As soon as he could, Chris began purchasing rental properties throughout the valley and building a significant portfolio that still serves him well today.
By the age of 26, he started his first real estate firm, serving as the designated broker, team lead, and agent. When the Great Recession hit, Chris was not scared off by the challenge. Instead, he thrived. He made himself an expert in bank-owned properties, short sales, and the foreclosure process. He was “the guy” for banks and consumers alike.
Chris believes that success comes from within. It’s about having passion and drive and carving out a unique path that adds value in a manner that is elevated and unmatched. He was able to harness his ideas and execute new and exciting business opportunities with the encouragement of highly respected coaches and industry leaders. No surprise, Chris, in turn, felt it incumbent upon himself to share his knowledge and insight with others. He became a highly sought-after Lead Coach with the Tom Ferry organization and mentored many other agents and brokers.
As a lover of technology and innovation, Chris founded Geographic Farming LLC, a highly successful direct marketing tool that targets specific buyers and sellers based on geographic location. The concept was new and exciting, offering unparalleled opportunities to connect sellers to their likely buyers, as well as agents to prospective clients. Geographic Farming (or GeoFarm) was ultimately purchased by Chime and is used by many real estate brokerages throughout the country today, even if they don’t realize it.
In 2016, Chris became an original Co-Founder of LAUNCH Real Estate. LAUNCH quickly became a well-known and respected brand through Phoenix and remains so today. During his time at LAUNCH, Chris also founded Arcadia Living Magazine, ArcadiaLiving.com, and the Arcadia Marketing Group.
Within several years, however, Chris’s wheels were again turning with the endless possibilities of marrying the latest technological advances with the real estate market. In 2020, Chris founded RETSY with a select few of the Valley’s most respected and successful real estate agents. Through RETSY, Chris has genuinely leaned into his entrepreneurial spirit, love for real estate, and love for innovation. He was the first in the Valley to bring listing-specific QR codes to life on signage and marketing materials. More importantly, he has created, from scratch, integrative, collaborative, and user-friendly apps and tools for clients and offers unique marketing approaches and back-end services for agents.
RETSY’s cutting-edge approach to an otherwise tired industry has attracted many of the Valley’s most respected, successful, and experienced agents, making it the fastest-growing, highest-grossing per-agent brokerage in the state. RETSY quickly became Forbes Global Property’s exclusive partner in Arizona, recognizing that RETSY has a unique hold on the luxury real estate market and that the brand alignment is a perfect fit in all respects. Chris is extremely proud of RETSY and has the highest regard for his partners, teams, and agents. He considers it his most significant personal achievement to date.
While Chris’s career has taken many exciting turns over the 20-plus years, his success as an agent cannot be overlooked or understated. He still has a genuine love for the hunt – and the kill. He knows he can offer both buyers and sellers advanced services and marketing tools that are unmatched; his years of experience as a broker and agent are invaluable; and his relationships with clients and his community keep him consistently among the highest-ranking agents in the state and in the top 1% nationally.