Name: Diana Gazzano Gibson
Twitter: @diana_adapted
Facebook: @DianaAdaptedFoundation
Instagram: @dianaadaptedfoundation
Website: www.DianaAdaptedFoundation.org
Age: 34
Title: Wife, Mom, Founder of The Diana Adapted Foundation
Married/Single: Married
Kids: Olivia Rose Gibson, 2 years old and Roman James Gibson, due January 2023!
City you live in: Scottsdale, AZ
I’m currently working on the launch of my non-profit foundation called the Diana Adapted Foundation. It exists to inspire and empower those with limb difference and disabilities to remain physically and mentally fit, independent and able through creative adaptations, inclusivity and financial support.
A typical day in my life includes an early morning alarm that goes off at 4am. I get up and stumble to my Nespresso to make myself a cinnamon dolce coffee (thanks for the inspo, Starbucks!). I pull out my laptop and start working on my non-profit foundation called The Diana Adapted Foundation which supports those with limb differences and disabilities remain active, mobile and independent. I get myself dressed for the day and my husband and I get our daughter ready for school. We’re out the door by 7am! I drop her at school and head to work as a Sr. Director of Client Success at a Scottsdale-based digital marketing company. If I’m lucky and time permits, I will squeeze in a workout during lunch – which always gives me the energy I need to tackle the afternoon. At 5pm, I’m out the door to pick up our daughter and head up the 101 to our home in Troon North. I make dinner and we eat as a family, which is one of my most favorite times of the day! We all get ready for bed and spend a little more time together as a family watching tv or playing in the playroom, reading books – whatever our daughter is feeling that night! We put our daughter to bed at 8pm and we collapse into our bed by 8:30pm just to do it all over again the next day! It is messy and it’s busy but it’s our current season and I am taking in every second because I know these moments won’t last!
My life was impacted in 2016 when I was involved in a roll over UTV accident that resulted in the amputation of my right arm. I’ve always felt that my accident happened to me for a reason. I believe that I was dealt these cards because I am equipped to handle it and show others that they too can overcome their obstacles in their lives as well. The loss of my arm has given me far more than it’s ever taken away. I’m so excited to provide the resources that I was fortunate to have in my recovery to others in similar circumstances through the foundation!
I was born and raised in New Jersey and moved to Arizona when I was 23 years old
My favorite thing about Arizona is the vast ways the state’s landscape changes within just a few hours of driving. Arizona has some of the most beautiful views and sunsets I’ve ever seen, and I make sure to stop and appreciate that every chance I can!
I’m listening to top country, always. But I also listen to my favorite NY based morning radio show called the Elvis Duran and The Morning Show on demand and never miss a day!
My family is the literal most valuable thing in my life. As an Italian American, I was raised knowing the importance of family…and food! They have supported me through the most difficult of times in my life and have always cheered me on with all my ideas. Most recently they’ve come along side me in my journey to create my non-profit foundation to support those with limb differences and disabilities. After the accident that resulted in the amputation of my right arm, they were just as unsure of what the future would bring me as I was. As I built the foundation, I kept their perspective and feelings in mind with the goal to create something that candidates’ families would say “thank god this exists”.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be my younger self! I’d tell her that her life was about to change in the best way. I’d say that you’ll be unsure at first, but you’ll come out the other side more surefooted than ever. Despite all the ways that your life could seem over, you end up still having everything you’ve ever dreamed of. You’ll take all the things that impacted your successful recovery and create a place for others like you to thrive and you will never feel more fulfilled! I’d say to never lose touch of that focus and passion because you’re about to make a tremendous impact!
One thing I cannot live without is my family!They are the most valuable possession that I am lucky to have in my life. If I have them, I have it all.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a gas station attendant (They have these in NJ). I always said that because I liked the smell of gas, and they always had a ton of money – not kidding!
I’m inspired by my mom who lost her battle with cancer when I was 15 years old.I watched her fight for her life for most of my childhood and she was a relentless fighter. She was poked and prodded endlessly and still maintained a positive, optimistic outlook until the very end. She is the reason why I have been able to cope, overcome and thrive with the amputation of my arm. Only now as a mother can I see how extremely difficult that time of her life must have been. I am so grateful for the strength she displayed and ultimately taught me.
The one person who motivates me is my daughter. She is the reason I do everything I do. She is the reason I wake up at 4:00am everyday to work on the foundation and its candidates. When I find myself wanting to tap out in any area of my life, I think of what she sees, and I keep pushing. It is so important that to me that she sees her Mama be strong both mentally and physically!
If I could change anything in the world, it would be that people with disabilities would be looked at by society like everybody else. I think we have come so far recently with major brands branding more inclusively but we have so much further to go! The more people with disabilities are seen in major marketing campaigns, the more “normal” seeing them would become and the more they would feel included! Kudos to those brands who already do this like Target, Barbie, Skims, Lululemon, and Fenty to name a few!
The perfect day would be waking up early for a sunrise hike with my girlfriends and getting breakfast and coffee afterwards. Doing a fun activity outdoors with my little family for most of the day and then dinner and drinks out with my husband in the evening. In bed by 9 because this mama needs her sleep and I have goals to achieve!
My first job was at a pizzeria in New Jersey! I worked there for 7+ years throughout high school and college and loved it!
My favorite escape is going to the gym to clear my mind! I’ve found fitness to be a great outlet for me to disconnect from the daily stresses and focus on building my strength, endurance and confidence, even if it’s just for an hour!
Always, always, always, always, wear your seatbelt! It saved my life!
Never underestimate your strength and ability to overcome! You already have what you need built inside of you!
Favorite Quote… “You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved”
Biggest Dream to create a place where those with limb differences and disabilities can go to feel empowered, confident and capable in their lives. To inspire and impact others to know that they have the strength they need already inside of them to take on whatever challenge they are facing!
My Pet Peeve is having to do anything twice! For example, think about having written the most bada** email with everything perfectly said and articulated…and your email crashes…and the draft didn’t save. Having to do something exactly the same way twice just gets my blood boiling!