Name: Greg Jewell
Twitter: @azchild
Facebook: @arizonaschildren
Instagram: @gregjewellfineart, @azchild
Website: www.arizonaschildren.org
Age: 60
Title: Chief Financial Officer
Married/Single: Married
Kids: Son, daughter, and two stepsons
City you live in: Scottsdale, AZ
A typical day in my life includes… I’m an early to bed, early to rise type. I start with exercise when I get up, then take care of our two dogs, Elvis and Wrigley. Then coffee. During the week, it’s on to the office. On the weekend, it’s relaxing with a pour over coffee.
I was born…in Boston, MA and grew up in Maine.
My favorite thing about Arizona… You can count on the weather when planning events. Our saying in Maine was “I hope summer is on a weekend this year!”
I’m listening to… I love music! For a very long time I admit I was stuck in the 80’s. I now listen to a lot of smooth jazz in the morning and move to other genres when I do listen, mostly alternative, rock and yes, back to the 80’s!
My family… is spread out! From Maine to Southern California. Our immediate family is mostly in Phoenix and Southern California, but the extended family touches many states. I’m also very excited to become a first-time grandfather in May!
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… My wife. Nothing beats a romantic dinner for two. We both soak in the moment, enjoying each other’s company and the atmosphere. Sometimes this can be at home since she’s an excellent cook!
One thing I cannot live without… My wife’s friendship. It’s the second time for both of us, and we have been together just over 11 years. We are companions not competitors, supporting each other’s interests.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… A professional baseball player. Ask my father how many Wiffle balls he had to buy for me! I played through high school and one semester in college.
I’m inspired by… Entrepreneurs who follow their dream or passion and keep moving forward
The one person who motivates me is… I know I sound redundant but again, my wife. Having someone in your corner every day, being a positive voice and cheerleader is priceless!
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… That everyone could unplug more often.
The perfect day would be… Sitting in a beach chair in front of the ocean with nowhere else to be.
My first job was… I worked at the local McDonald’s. I did everything from open to close and even filled in a couple times for overnight maintenance. I liked opening the best, since I could cook breakfast for a few hours then switch to lunch.
My favorite escape… Drawing. About a year ago, I decided to start drawing. I enjoyed it as a kid and took an art class in college, which was supposed to be an “easy A” elective. My wife saw my college portfolio years ago and had been trying to get me to draw for ten years! My father is a wood-carver, mainly decoys. My mother, who passed last October, was an accomplished water-color artist. I figured I must have had an artistic talent hidden, other than being good at Excel spreadsheets. I mostly use colored pencil and sometimes graphite. The Instagram link is to my art page.
My life… Has been an adventure. I’ve lived in six states, had a wide range of professional experiences, and am watching our young adult children continue to thrive and evolve.
I’m currently working on… For AzCA, I’m working closely with the leadership team and board on strategic planning, focused on ensuring AzCA will continue to operate under its mission to “protect children, empower youth, and strengthen families.” On the art side, I always have a new piece going. My current one has quite a story to it!
Always… Be willing to learn, whether reading or doing!
Never… Give in to the voices that tell you, “it won’t work,” and “it’s not going to happen.”
Favorite Quote… “Take the first step.” I read or heard this a while back. If you look out at the entire forest and think, “how am I ever going to get through this?” Look down and see if you can see where to take the first step, then take another step, etc.
Biggest Dream… To live at the coast again. Growing up in a small coastal town, you don’t appreciate what you have as a kid. I’m at peace when I’m near the ocean.
My Pet Peeve(s)… People who resist change or throw their hands up, not wanting to try something new. In a work setting, it’s easy to stick to what you know, but as the saying goes, “growth is on the other side of your comfort zone.” From a teamwork standpoint, you should have a can-do attitude and willingness to take on tasks to support the team.