Name: Janie Dalrymple
Facebook: www.facebook.com/yourpatientsadvocate
Instagram: @yourpatientsadvocate
Website: www.yourpatientsadvocate.com
Age: 52
Title: Founder
Married/Single: Engaged
Kids: 2 Great Dane fur kids
City you live in: Phoenix
A typical day in my life includes… My day always starts with a lick on my face letting me know, “It’s time to get up, mom!” After caring for my fur babies, a typical day includes checking in on my advocates and clients to see how things are going and answering incoming calls from future clients. I also frequently give presentations on what patient advocacy is and how we can help navigate the healthcare system for our clients.
I was born… and raised in Fort Wayne, IN and am a Purdue University graduate. Go Boilermakers!
My favorite thing about Arizona… the constant sunshine! Coming from a state that has frequent dreary, overcast and cold weather, I LOVE the sunny, cloudless days – even at 115 degrees!
I’m listening to… Back in my younger days, I frequently went to line dance lessons and caught the “Boot Scootin’ Boogie” bug! Although no longer line dancing, I am reintroducing myself to country music and loving it!
My family… My extended family still lives in Indiana, but I am currently engaged to a wonderful man who was born and raised in Phoenix, so my “new” family is all very close. Of course, I consider many of my friends as my family and am thrilled to have so many supporting me!
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… my grandmother. She passed away in 2020, but she always was full of great advice. I would love to tell her how life is now and hear what advice she would have for me.
One thing I cannot live without… Carmex! I’m addicted to it!
When I was younger, I wanted to be… the boss of a large corporation! I went to college for corporate management right out of high school. After the first economics class, I decided that major was not for me. It took a few years to realize I wanted to be a nurse. Looking back, though, maybe being the “boss” of my own company really was in store for me!
I’m inspired by… anyone who has faced a crisis in their life – no matter how small or large – and has persevered. After losing my husband to suicide, I thought I would never recover from that loss. Finding others who have faced hardship and fought through, as tough as it was, is always inspiring to me.
The one person who motivates me is… my fiancé! He has this determination to get whatever he wants, no matter how crazy the thought seems. He definitely is proof that if you have enough determination and drive, you can make anything happen! He is a daily encouragement for me in my career to pursue all my dreams.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… that everyone would treat each other with empathy and compassion. During holidays, especially, we see this happen, and so I know it CAN be done! We need to remember that everyone is going through “something,” and I wish we could all be gentler with each other.
The perfect day would be… sharing it with family and friends – and free from stress! I’ll settle for a nice day on the beach with a great book, though!
My first job was… a secretary for a corporate manager of an insurance company. I worked a co-op job in high school and went to school half days, then worked half days. I always say my first job was not the typical job a teenager has!
My favorite escape… a great book!
My life… is fantastic! I honestly couldn’t ask for anything more!
I’m currently working on… getting the word out on how patient advocacy can improve the lives of anyone facing difficulties with the healthcare system.
Always… be thankful for the blessings you have received and pay it forward!
Never… say never!
Favorite Quote… “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Gandhi
Biggest Dream… My biggest dream was always to have my own business. Now that I do, my dream is to grow it big enough to change the lives of multiple people. I want our company to be a “household name” in the medical community when patients think of getting the help they need with their healthcare decisions.
My Pet Peeve(s)… slow drivers in the fast lane!
Bio-on yourself/company: Your Patient’s Advocate was founded in 2018 after the founder’s personal experience navigating the healthcare system and dealing with end-of-life issues for her mother. Since opening our doors, we’ve helped many clients, attended numerous appointments and reviewed hundreds of medications all in an effort to help other individuals navigate the system with more ease and peace of mind.