Name: Misha Jones
Twitter: @mishthejrnalist
Facebook: Misha The Journalist
Instagram: @mishthejrnalist
Website: https://mishathejournalist.wixsite.com/portfolio
Age: 22 (23 soon though!)
Title: Freelance Audio/Digital Journalist
Married/Single: singleeee (plz don’t DM me lol)
Kids: 0
City you live in: Manassas Park, Virginia (but I’m wrapping up my master’s at ASU DTPHX online)
A typical day in my life includes… waking up, moving my body (lifting weights, dancing, stretching, messing around on the court), making myself breakfast, and jumping on my computer to get the workday started. Usually ends with me trying to freestyle something good in the kitchen.
I was born… in Northern Virginia
My favorite thing about Arizona… is Downtown Phoenix! There are so many different things to do, people to interact with, and foods to eat. And I love that PHX has a WNBA team.
I’m listening to… KAYTRANADA on repeat.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… right now… anyone from this all-female dance collective I just got hip to called The Councilwomen. They’re suuuuuuper dope. Peep them on IG @TheCouncilwomen.
One thing I cannot live without… music. Music is essential, ethereal, everything!
When I was younger, I wanted to be… who I am today (nah really though).
I’m inspired by… genuine creatives who put their all into their artistry. You can feel it when folks give off good energy, and it changes the whole game.
The one person who motivates me is… anyone who is fighting for Black lives right now.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… money hoarding. There are so many people who have the money to drastically change the lives of millions of people, but choose not to. Irks me to my soul.
The perfect day would be… waking up in the middle of a national park, going on an adventure, and ending the day beside a bonfire with my friends.
My first job was… as a basketball camp counselor at my undergrad.
My favorite escape… headphones on full volume with no distractions and my nose in a good book.
My life… is just starting! And it’ll be dedicated to impacting other people. I’ve been outrageously fortunate thus far, I just wanna spread that love and light.
I’m currently working on… my master’s degree! I’ll be done at the end of July 🙂
Always… remember that All Black lives matter, and deserve to thrive. Regardless of size, gender identity, sexual orientation, ability, or complexion.
Never… underestimate your own power!
Favorite Quote…
“The master’s tools will never dismantle the master’s house. They may allow us temporarily to beat him at his own game, but they will never enable us to bring about genuine change.” – Audre Lorde
Biggest Dream… is to be genuinely happy and fulfilled in my purpose.
My Pet Peeve(s)… people who are inconsiderate! Just… think about how your actions affect other people plz 🙂