Name: Arpi Hamilton
Facebook: @mrsarizonaamerica
Instagram: @mrsarizonaamerica2020
Website: www.mrsarizonaamerica.com
Age: 42
- Mrs. Arizona America
- Senior Patient Loyalty Specialist at Cancer Treatment Centers of America Phoenix
- Cancer Survivor
Married/Single: Married
Kids: Natalie (25) and Logan (19)
City you live in: Verrado in Buckeye, Arizona
A typical day in my life includes… engaging with CTCA Cancer Fighters (current CTCA patients undergoing treatment or in remission) and new patients to learn about their cancer journeys. I find my own healing listening to those who have experienced what I have undergone as a cancer patient and now, survivor.
I was born…to serve. I am most fulfilled when I am helping those in need.
My favorite thing about Arizona… exploring Arizona. From Jeep-ing in the mountains, hiking the canyons, or paddling on rivers and reservoirs, I want to see every part of Arizona.
I’m listening to… Crime Junkie with Ashley Flowers, I’m obsessed!
My family… is my whole life. I am so blessed.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… my mom. She passed 12 years ago. Losing her shaped me into the mother and woman I am today, I would ask her if she is proud of me.
One thing I cannot live without… my paddleboard. I find peace and clarity on the water.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… an astronaut. I’m 100% Armenian and growing up I always thought Armenia was in a different world and the only way to get there was through space.
I’m inspired by… every single person who has been diagnosed with cancer. I was diagnosed at 38, with triple-negative breast cancer and given a 25% rate of survival. It was my fellow “cancer fighters” at CTCA, my faith, and my family that motivated me TO FIGHT and TO WIN!
The one person who motivates me is… my husband. He is my biggest fan and is always encouraging me to achieve my goals and dreams.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… to find a cure for cancer.
The perfect day would be… spent with the ones I love. Throw in a paddleboard and some water, and I am happy as can be.
My first job was… a “sandwich artist” at Subway. Didn’t last long…I spilled the meatballs and marinara all over in the walk-in freezer.
My favorite escape…spending time with my 3 chihuahuas.
My life… is dedicated to inspiring my fellow humans and sharing my knowledge through my personal story. My life’s mission is to educate others about preventative screenings and cancer awareness. I am dedicated to my health, wellness, cancer advocacy and survivorship.
I’m currently working on… continuing to brand myself as a Cancer Fighter resource as my passion and my job. I share my own cancer experiences via my social channels to help others know that I am an advocate for them.
Always… live in the moment. While I am still cancer-free, I am currently going through additional treatments as a result of my cancer, and I want others to know that I am experiencing what they experience and am here for them.
Never… regret anything. It is not what happened to you, but how you responded to the situation that matters the most.
Favorite Quote… “Grow through what you go through” and “If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.” These quotes affirm my struggle through cancer treatment, reminding me that it wasn’t for nothing. I have grown as person after cancer.
Biggest Dream… A CURE FOR CANCER! I want to see a cure in my lifetime, and I want to be a part of it. I fundraise for Gateway for Cancer Research, an organization whose goal it is to eliminate cancer once and for all.
My Pet Peeve(s)… is hearing the word “NO.” I don’t like to be told “NO” and I will always find a way to turn it into a “YES!”