Name: Holly Shoemaker
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thenegativeedge
Instagram: @hollymasquerage
Website: https://duckyoverlord.wixsite.com/negativeedge
Age: 36
Title: Supreme Overlord
Married/Single: Married
Kids: Nope. Only nieces and nephews
City you live in: Phoenix, AZ
A typical day in my life includes Generally it involves doing shoots and planning out future shoots. On my days off, it usually means attempting to clean and reading. Occasionally I’ll go out to local shows, when covid isn’t an issue obviously. I’m generally a pretty chill person. So, you won’t find me sky diving anytime soon.
I was bon: Bloomsburg, PA
My favorite thing about Arizona is the fact that I don’t have to really deal with snow anymore. I love the warmth, with the exception of July-mid Sept.
I’m listening to Mono INC
My famiy is crazy, but also very supportive and I love them for that.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be My dad. He passed suddenly in 2017 and was my biggest cheerleader. He was always the first to give me hell, but also the first to cheer me on.
One thing I cannot live without My support group. My friends and family mean everything to me.
When I was younger, I wanted to be a paleontologist
I’m inspired by I draw a lot of inspiration from nature and elements of nature. My support group also continuously inspires me to keep pushing and challenging myself.
The one person who motivates me is my husband. He is the most supportive partner I could have ever hoped for. He’s also an artist (his paintings are simply breathtaking) and can see things from another artist’s point of view. It can cause us to butt heads on occasion, but I value him and his opinion nonetheless.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be How people treat one another.
The perfect day would be curled up with a good book on a chilly stormy day. I find thunderstorms to be particularly calming
My first job was cleaning counters and display cases at a mom and pop jewelry store.
My favorite escape Music, reading, costuming. I can’t really decide between those three.
My life hectic, but honestly, pretty great.
I’m currently working on the Sticks and Stones photography campaign. It’s a series that highlights the affect negative words can have on us.
Always challenge yourself. It’s scary and you will absolutely hit some bumps in the road, but the destination is worth it when you get there.
Never let people who have no baring on your day to day life try to bring you down.
Favorite Quote If you argue with fools, you become a fool
Biggest Dream Right now, to turn Sticks and Stones into a national photography campaign. Long term, to just live a happy and fulfilling life.
My Pet Peeve(s) When you finally memorize the store layout, write your check list accordingly, only to find out upon arrival, that they have remodeled. People who are blatantly inconsiderate to others. Being interrupted mid-sentence.
More About Holly Shoemaker:
I was born in Bloomsburg, PA and raised in a small town called Savannah, MO, population 5,000 and some change. My mother says I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum. I’m quirky and socially awkward, I don’t really like to be the center of attention, despite my fire engine red hair and half the time I walk around looking like a swamp witch. Despite all this, both of my parents have always been incredibly supportive of my creative endeavors and encouraged me to nurture them. I have been doing photography since 2008 and made the move to Phoenix in 2011. Since then I have participated in art shows around the valley, been published and have been fortunate enough to win several awards.
As a photographer, I strive to have a safe creative space for anyone who comes to pose for me. I have heard too many stories of my clients being harassed or assaulted and strive to advocate for them. I specialize in creative portraiture. I love being able to show people a version of themselves they couldn’t have imagined before. I seek to empower people.