Name: Scott McNevin, Junior Golf Association of Arizona
Age: 40
Title: Executive Director
Married/Single: Single
Kids: No
City you live in: Phoenix
A typical day in my life includes… answering calls, talking and recruiting donors and sponsors, planning events, talking to golf course contacts.
I was born… in Berkeley, California.
My favorite thing about Arizona… great weather, friendly people and so many great golf courses.
I’m listening to… sports talk radio or Classic Rock.
My family… my mom Linda, Sister Kelly, Brother-in-law Mike, nephew Jack and nieces Emma and Bella,
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Jack Nicklaus.
One thing I cannot live without… mint chocolate chip ice cream in my freezer.

When I was younger, I wanted to be… air traffic controller.
I’m inspired by… Arnold Palmer and his legacy .
The one person who motivates me is… my dad who has passed, he taught me to work hard and be kind.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… have world peace.
The perfect day would be… 18 holes of golf in the morning and hanging out on the beach in the afternoon.
My first job was… washing cars.
My favorite escape… Carmel, California.
My life… is about engaging the future generation of young people through golf. I enjoy seeing people use golf as a platform to have a successful life.
I’m currently working on… being more patient and a better listener.
Always… live each day to the fullest.
Never… judge a book by it’s cover. Always be ready and willing to listen.
Favorite Quote… “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.”
Biggest Dream… Learn to become a pilot.
My Pet Peeve(s)… when people roll their eyes.
More About Scott McNevin
Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area and a Phoenix resident since 2006, Scott McNevin graduated from the University of Oregon in 2002 with a journalism degree.
In 2003, McNevin broke into the golf world as an intern with the American Junior Golf Association (AJGA) and quickly moved up to serve as tournament director for 15 national junior golf tournaments held across the country.
From 2006 – 2010, he joined the Arizona Golf Association (AGA) as tournament director, and for the last three years, director of rules and competitions. His duties included teaching rules of golf seminars for AGA member golf clubs, conducted AGA championships, USGA Qualifiers and tournament scheduling.
McNevin became a part of the Junior Golf Association of Arizona (JGAA) in 2010 as the assistant executive director before reaching his present position as the executive director in 2014.
The JGAA’s mission is to “educate, motivate and inspire the next generation of leaders through the game of golf.”
JGAA provides a place for junior golfers ages 8-18 to chase their goals in golf and life in general.
McNevin runs 30-plus competitive tournaments across Arizona each season
Runs several local USGA junior qualifying tournaments for national USGA events.
Runs several rules clinics each season
Hosts seminars for aspiring college golfers headlined by ASU, UA and other Arizona university golf coaches and college golf recruiting experts.
Of the roughly 80-100 graduating senior JGAA members, 30-50 Arizona juniors move on each year to play college golf, most of which, under scholarship.
Of course, the vast majority of JGAA members do not move on to play college golf. They do, however, build lifelong friendships; learn and compete in a game they can play for the rest of their lives; and gain valuable life lessons along the way such as perseverance, etiquette, responsibility and sportsmanship, among others.
McNevin has been playing golf for more than 20 years and recently won the Arizona Golf Association’s 2020 “Mixed Stix” tournament in the Overall Net division alongside playing partner Barbara Byrnes.
About the JGAA
The Junior Golf Association of Arizona is a 501(c)(3) organization with the mission to educate, motivate and inspire Arizona’s youth through golf and all of the valuable lessons and life skills inherent to the game. In addition to hosting competitive events, the JGAA develops programs for local schools, assists golf courses with their junior programs, conducts college prep seminars and etiquette clinics. The Junior Ambassador and Guest Speaker Programs give JGAA students the opportunity to learn, develop and adopt successful habits and practices – both on and off the golf course – from a collection of prominent, civic-minded community and business leaders. The JGAA also awards two scholarship funds annually to high school senior members of the JGAA for their college education – the Tres Arnold and the John Wolfinger Memorial College Scholarships. The JGAA’s strong belief in teamwork and cooperation has guided the organization for more than 30 years and is instilled in all of its members. For more information JGAA, visit or call 602-944-6168.