Name: Wendy Knipp
Age: 53
Title: depends on the day…currently I am President and CEO of my life with direction from above.
Married/Single: happily married for 30 years. We have been together since we were 17! We met at K-mart.
Kids: two, Aaron is 26 and Ashley is 23.
City you live in: Scottsdale
A typical day in my life includes…
I try to take every opportunity to learn, explore and discover! Socially Brave is a movement I am proud to be associated with and that takes me to new places almost every day! A typical day starts with coffee and engaging with my followers, friends, and family. From there the day ranges from marketing for my husband and mine Contracting Company, Knipp Contracting to doing something that makes me feel alive, sharing my message about being socially brave. Tuesdays I am live on Instagram with another amazing Socially Brave women, we talk about setbacks and mindset. I will meet with clients, Instagram Friends, writing a keynote speech and working on my book about being Socially Brave.
I was born…
in Hammond, Indiana.
My favorite thing about Arizona…
how diverse it is! I can be home in Scottsdale enjoying Old Town or I can be enjoying the views of downtown and getting my foodie fix or drive to Flagstaff to enjoy the peace of the mountains.
I’m listening to…
a lot of podcasts lately! Jay Shetty, Jay Patel, mostly Ted Talks and some encouraging series like Brene Brown other strong women.
My family…
is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love going through this journey of being Socially Brave with them! We make each other laugh and encourage growth consistently.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be…
I would say women from the 1800s-1900s. I would want to know how they overcame depression, what was the mindset. I would want to talk with Marilyn Monroe…did you know she owned production company? Edmonia Lewis was the first sculptor of African American and Native American descent to achieve international recognition. The average American housewife wanting more out of life. These are Socially Brave women who stay true to themselves and pursue happiness regardless of the circumstances. I would also like to have dinner with my mother as a young adult.
One thing I cannot live without…
my family! They are my world.
When I was younger, I wanted to be…
a child psychologist. I thought perhaps I could figure out why I was so different.
I’m inspired by…
women who have overcome odds. Also my husband, he never fails to encourage, support and show genuine kindness to me. Not to mention all while running a successful company that supports our family and my dreams.
The one person who motivates me is…
my husband! Women who rise against the odds and those who are Socially Brave despite being made to feel small. Those who listen to their heart and against everything are at peace with themselves.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…
a question for someone way more qualified to answer but something that is weighing on my heart is women supporting women! At the end of the day, I want the world to pursue what they love and have support and encouragement along the way.
The perfect day would be…
spending the day with my family. I don’t care what it is; movies, playing cards, staying at home…does not matter as long as we are together.
My first job was…
I sold pantyhose over the phone. Yep, I was the gal that called asking if you wanted the buy pantyhose that did not rip.
My favorite escape…
I love the beach, mountains and anything my family is doing.
My life…
I am finally at peace with who I am, my personality and that not everyone is going to get me. I am blessed with an amazing life with unconditional love from my family.
I’m currently working on…
always working on self-improvement. I love working on learning personality assessments, my book about being Socially Brave and updating my website. I would love to be working on Socially Brave workshops, perhaps that is my next project.
accept an invitation to spend time with your kids and husband. And be kind to others.
allow others to dim your light or steal your happiness.
Favorite Quote…
I have a couple but my recent favorite was told to me just before I went on a live IG interview when I asked my son, “Do you have any advice?” and he said “Yes. Don’t overthink it.”
Biggest Dream…
to make sure my kids live their dream, and to break the cycle of dysfunction.
My Pet Peeve(s)…
when peoples words and actions don’t match.