Name: De Lore` (day-lor-ray)
Twitter: @prettypozay
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/officially.delore
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officially.delore
Website: officiallydelore.com
Age: 26 years young
Title: Published Model/Creative Director, Creatoure
Married/Single: Single
Kids: A dog named Kit
City you live in: Phoenix, AZ
A typical day in my life includes… walking/feeding my dog, plotting a project with Zhone` (@zhonelashay), creating content, researching/buying props for concepts, editing, watching netflix, yelling at Alexa, consulting with clients & probably eating tacos.
I was born…in Honolulu, Hawaii after my parents met and got married on the Army base.
My favorite thing about Arizona…is all the authentic mexican food!
I’m listening to…any of my Apple Music playlists I’ve made recently.
My family…is spread all over the country, but we stay connected in our many group chats lol.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Taraji P. Henson, because she’s such a huge inspiration and I would love to talk to her about anything.
One thing I cannot live without…is Dr. Pepper!
When I was younger, I wanted to be…a lawyer, but I decided that would be too boring so I went to college to be a detective.
I’m inspired by…history, colors, music & others’ art.
The one person who motivates me is…Robyn “Rihanna” Fenty! She is the epitome of being yourself. She isn’t afraid to express herself in any way she sees fit, and she is always willing to put in work for her community. It doesn’t hurt that people think I look like her too lol.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be…the lack of knowledge and the abundance of ignorance. If more people had access to an ALL-INCLUSIVE education, our species would be so better off.
The perfect day would be…waking up to a beautiful view, stretching while the sun rises, eating a bomb breakfast, doing a fire styled shoot with an amazing crew at a new location, eating dinner and having drinks with friends & hopefully going to sleep wherever I woke up at so I can do it again the next day.
My first job was…working at a tanning salon in Kansas, cleaning the beds.
My favorite escape… is telling Alexa to play my favorite song & dancing in the mirror.
My life…was made just for me & I’m grateful for everything I’ve experienced, because it taught me everything I need for where I am right now and where I’m going.
I’m currently working on…making my dreams come true during a pandemic.
Always…trust your instincts and brush ya tongue!
Never…dim your light so others can shine.
Favorite Quote… “The flower that blooms in adversity, is the most beautiful and rare of all” -Mulan’s Father…. I also have this tattooed on my back.
Biggest Dream…My biggest dream is to do a Fenty campaign and star in a movie!
My Pet Peeve(s)…when people smack their food, walk slow in the mall & turn from the main road instead of the turning lane!