Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karlie.ketchum
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kan_you_ketchum/?hl=en
Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karlie-ketchum-9b9b7641
Photo by Colin Meyers Photography
Age: 29
Title: Inside Sales Manager
Married/Single: Single (but dating someone incredible at the moment!)
Kids: 1 two-year-old son
City you live in: Mesa
A typical day in my life includes… Waking up to dance with my little boy in his crib as he greets the day! We then usually end up eating breakfast and playing with our little puppy, Kane. Then it’s off to the races to work from home and manage to find time to teach my little one his numbers, colors, and shapes. When the workday is done, I’m in the kitchen cooking up anything from Instant Pot short ribs to Spicy Seafood pasta (both house favorites) while watching some Bob’s Burgers on t.v. COVID has slowed me down a bit, but also managed to keep me astoundingly busy…which is why I usually end the night with a nice cold beer out on the patio under the lights (after the little one is asleep, of course).
I was born… In Monongahela Pennsylvania….trying saying that 3 times fast. It’s right outside of Pittsburgh. I move every 5 years of my life though, so I have been all around the US (and some other countries too!) since.
My favorite thing about Arizona… The fact that I don’t have to see snow! This is such a beautiful state, and after living in Alaska for 5 years, I HATE the snow…like, HATE it.
I’m listening to… H.E.R all day every day, mixed in with some old school Luther Vandross or Stephanie Mills.
My family… Is better than yours 🙂 I am the oldest of 3, and my little brothers are both incredibly smart. My mom is an educator, and my dad is a jeweler. They both have been in their professions my entire life!
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Whitney Houston.

One thing I cannot live without… My son! He is my everything.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… A Chef. The dream is still there (and so are the skills) 🙂
I’m inspired by… People who have gone through the gauntlet and overcome. Resilience and courage get me goin!
Photo by Colin Meyers Photography
The one person who motivates me is… I hate to have a double answer, but my son wins this one too. He inspires me to be better, thinks better, and want to do better. He is a symbol of hope. He allows me to see the world in a light that I never knew existed until he did.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… Injustice. Period.
The perfect day would be… Waking up in a bungalow in tahiti, going for a swim in the clear waters, having a nice mimosa with a hearty breakfast, then doing absolutely NOTHING but tan for the rest of the day.
My first job was… I was a Barista at my Uncle’s coffee shop in Philly. It was a lot of fun, and I fell in love with the service industry as a result.

My favorite escape… The Runway or in front of a camera lens. I am so alive when I am lucky enough to be a hanger for a beautiful garment for all to see. Making love to the camera is another story. There is something about a good old photoshoot, even if it’s just from my phone; that gets me going.
My life… I am seriously an enigma. I am unlike anyone you have ever met before so my life is one that cannot just be described in a few sentences. My life is full, ever-changing, and full of surprises!
Photo by Colin Meyers Photography
I’m currently working on… Answering this questionnaire! I am also looking to find ways to break out into the commercials and get back into the fashion scene, but COVID has made it kind of hard.
Always… Be kind and remember that it costs nothing to be a good person.
Never… Assume, take advantage of anyone, or second guess yourself.
Favorite Quote… “Lessons are repeated until learned”
Biggest Dream… Be a voice, example, and story for young black girls in some way, shape, or form. I wanna leave a mark on the world that continues to make an impact long after I am no longer here. I want them not to want to be like me, but to find the best way to use my experiences to be their best selves.
My Pet Peeve(s)… People who are late, people who don’t know the difference between, their, there, and they’re, lack of the use of turn signals, poor planning.
More About Karlie T. Ketchum
I am a full-time working mother who has the pleasure of managing a Sales Team at one of the best companies on the planet. I am a firecracker to say the very least with intellect, personality, and humor to spare.
I’d like to think of myself as well-rounded but also a little whimsically motivated. I have a background in news media and journalism, and even made a little love to the camera back in the day (I was a professional model, don’t get any ideas!).
I am most alive when I have been given an audience, a runway, or even just an episode of Bob’s Burgers in my downtime. All in all, I’m a bit enigmatic, but it only takes meeting me one time for you to realize you have been missing me your whole life!