Name: Rachel Giraudo
Instagram: rachel_giraudo
Websites: https://www.hautecoutureagency.com/model/rachel
Age: 19
Title: Fashion Model & ASU student
Married/Single: In a relationship
Kids: 0
City you live in: Tempe
A typical day in my life includes… studies at ASU, meetings or socials with my sorority alpha phi, working on a modeling project (or pursuing my next one) eating lunch at my favorite place for years Koibito Poke, hanging out with my boyfriend or spending time with my family. If I have free time I will find an adventure whether it is going on a hike that leads to a waterfall or going on a road trip. I love being busy & active.
I was born… in San Francisco, but I grew up in Europe. I lived in Italy and England until I moved to Arizona when I was in junior high.
My favorite thing about Arizona… is the sunny weather especially because I used to live in England where it was always freezing cold!
I’m listening to… podcasts
My family… a very big part of my life, very supportive, and the most important thing to me. I’m very lucky.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be… Elon Musk because I would love to have deep conversations with him about the world and outer space.
One thing I cannot live without… probably my car right now because I’m always on the go driving all over the valley.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… A singer, a dancer, a movie star or an astronaut.
I’m inspired by… risk because to truly live you must face it. I’m inspired by beginning a journey towards an unknown result, watching people try for something different – anything that has the potential for failure or great success.
The one person who motivates me is… Other then my family, is Alexis Ren, because she takes risks, gives back to the community, is resilient with ups and downs, and lives her dreams of adventure.
If I could change anything in the world, it would be… ending all world violence, so there exists only peaceful ways of resolution or interaction.
The perfect day would be…going to the lake on my downtime with my friends and going wake boarding
My first job was… A modeling job and it’s still my passion.
My favorite escape… being on the beach tanning while listening to music.
My life… is filled with ups and downs and is constantly changing. I love my life so much and I wouldn’t change it for the world.
I’m currently working on a degree in innovation at ASU, pursuing local modeling opportunities, influencer goals, and expanding my network.
Always… live in the moment and appreciate what you have.
Never… give up on what you are passionate about.
Favorite Quote… “The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” Eleanor Rosevelt
Biggest Dreams… to travel to Japan and to walk in Paris fashion week.
My Pet Peeve(s)… is being stuck in a routine. I love not knowing what the next day will bring and I enjoy not having a plan.