Photography by Colin Murray

Name: Deanna Decker
Facebook: Deanna Decker
Instagram: Deannaddecker
Age: 23
Title: Model
Married/Single: In Relationship
Kids: 0
City you live in: Scottsdale, Arizona.
A typical day in my life includes… a good workout and a healthy breakfast. I was born… in Portland, Oregon. I moved to Arizona 10 years ago and I’ll never move. back.
My favorite thing about Arizona… are the beautiful hiking trails and the weather all year round.
My family… are my biggest supporters and I don’t know where I’d be if it wasn’t for them.
One thing I cannot live without… my friends and family.
When I was younger, I wanted to be… a wedding planner.
The one person who motivates me is… my father. He’s always been my role model and my best friend.
The perfect day would be… waking up, enjoying a healthy breakfast, attend a Hot Yoga class and finish the day off by the pool.
If I could change anything in the world … it would be to make the world more kind, compassionate and forgiving. People can be very hard on one another without walking in other people’s shoes.
My first job was… a personal assistant position when I was in High School.
My favorite escape… is driving to Sedona, Arizona for the day. It’s a beautiful escape!
My life… is full of adventure. I can’t wait for what my future holds for me.
If I could have dinner with anyone, it would be … Adriana Lima. She’s one of the top models in the world and it would be an honor to meet her!
I’m inspired by … healthy people who live life. Those who have fun with their friends and live their lives and make healthy choices along the way inspire me to make decisions that are better for everyone.
I’m currently working on… a more positive mindset. A positive mindset can give everyone more confidence and improve their mood throughout the day.
Always… believe in yourself! Believing in yourself will build self-confidence and let you manage and inspire others with assurance and direction.
Never… GIVE UP!
Favorite Quote… is “It’s a beautiful day to be alive!” – Whitney S.
Biggest Dream… is to model for the top designers in the world.
My Pet Peeve(s)… is being late.

More About Deanna Decker:
Deanna Decker is an Arizona based model who also handles marketing duties for the family business, Scottsdale’s Elite Glass and Stone/Heavy Effects. She has been modeling for the last 8 years, having appeared in print campaigns as well as on the runway in NYFW, Miami Swim Week, Phoenix Fashion Week and many other fashion shows, in the US and abroad.
Deanna’s next catwalk appearance will be at Tempe Fashion Week, this coming Saturday, October 2nd, 2021 at ASU Sun Devil Stadium.