City of Residence:
Scottsdale, AZ
Please describe your occupation:
Why did you go into that industry?
I love helping people find their dream home it is a very fulfilling passion.

Are you an Arizona native? If not, when and why did you move to Arizona?
I am originally from Minneapolis, Minnesota. I moved to Arizona 5 years ago for college.
Have you ever been married in the past? Would you want to get married/remarried?
No and yes!
Do you have any children? Would you like to have children?
No and yes!
Would you describe yourself as more of an extrovert or introvert? Or a little bit of both?
A little bit of both.
Where was your favorite place you have ever visited? Where do you want to go next?
Favorite place to go is The Virgin Islands. The next place I want to go is The Maldives.
Favorite food and favorite restaurant? Why?
Seafood. Buck and Rider.
Where is your favorite place to grab a cocktail?
Lylo Swim Club
If you were to take another MEP selectee on a date, where would you take them and why?
I would take them on a golf date to get to know them and their game.
Tell us something that many people may not know about you:
I love to try new things.