Travel is a great way to enrich your life. You learn a lot more about yourself when you travel, and you also learn more about the world in which you live. Not to mention the smaller experiences that happen along the way.
Well, we are here with great news. Here’s another thing you can add to your list of reasons to travel: according to a Travelocity survey, travel makes you sexier.

By asking over 1,000 online daters whether they find people more attractive if they’re travelers, the resounding response was “yes!”
In fact, 52% of the women surveyed said that they found a potential mate’s love of travel more important than his or her physical attractiveness.
Not only is travel a major source of attraction for an online mate, it is almost a requirement. 43% of men, and 47% of women in the survey stated that they would never date someone who doesn’t love to travel.

Even more information regarding travel and dating was uncovered with the people surveyed.
Once the initial sparks happen and the mutual love for travel has been established, 33% of men are ready to take the plunge and head on a couples trip after 2 or 3 dates. Women, on the other hand, said they prefer to wait until at least 5 dates have gone well before they embark on a travel adventure with their online mate.
Whether you wait until just 2 dates, or 5, the love for travel is undeniably a must for online daters of the 21st century.
So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and plan your next getaway!