Sedona & Flagstaff Rank Among Best Airbnb Markets for Cabins, Report

Sedona and Flagstaff, Ariz. may be smart places to look at if you’re thinking about investing in a cabin or apartment-style rental property. 

According to AirDNA, a database that offers accurate statistics of Airbnb and vacation rental properties across the globe, Sedona and Flagstaff are among the best airbnb markets for cabins and Flagstaff is also among the best airbnb markets for small urban apartments.

AirDNA determined the best investment markets currently in America by ranking the annual revenue potentials of specific markets and analyzing popular Airbnb vacation properties, which include mountain cabins, city apartments and beach houses.

One of the most sought-out Airbnb properties are rustic cabins in the mountains. AirDNA filtered data for cabins with one to five bedrooms, at least one guest review and a minimum 4.5 average rating in markets with over 50 listings. Sedona had 251 average listings with 61% occupancy, $327 ADR (average daily rate) and an annual revenue potential of $67,026. Flagstaff had 166 listings with 67% occupancy, $313 ADR and an annual revenue potential of $67,839.

Small apartments close to the city are also popular Airbnb properties. AirDNA filtered for apartments with one to two bedrooms (including studio units), at least one guest review and a minimum 4.5 average rating also in markets with over 50 listings. Flagstaff ranked No. 22 out of the top 25 Airbnb markets for small urban apartments with 123 listings, 65% occupancy, $150 ADR and an annual revenue potential of $30,845.
Sedona and Flagstaff were the only two Arizona cities to rank among AirDNA’s top Airbnb markets for cabins and apartments.

Read the full report here.

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