We’re all familiar with beer- or wine-pairing dinners. But when was the last time you went to a coffee-pairing dinner? Caffeine fiends should gear up for next week’s coffee-pairing dinner at Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North’s lovely Talavera restaurant. On Oct. 28, the Four Seasons’ Executive Chef Mel Mecinas and Executive Sous Chef Jesse Hansen will host Perk, a four-course dinner that is paired with coffee from local coffee hot spot, Press Coffee. Press Coffee will provide all coffees, grinding everything fresh for both the drinks and, as you can see from the menu listed below, to be used in the savory courses. During their meal, all diners will receive tableside, siphon-brewed coffee, using Press Coffee’s Ethiopian “Amaro Gayo.”
Take a peek at the Perk menu:
Single Shot Starter
Organic Wild Mushroom Cappuccino, Peppered Bacon Wafer
“Twitch” Espresso Martini, “Affogato” Style
Tall Taster
Seared Chilled Duck Breast, Arizona Pink Lady Apples, Coffee Gastrique
Ethiopian “Yirgacheffe” Iced Toddy
Vente Course
Coffee-Smoked Eye of Rib Eye, Coffee-Bourbon Jus
Twomey Merlot, Napa Valley 2005
Add Ins
Brussels Sprouts, Caramelized Sunizona Squash and Sweet Onions
Baja Bay Scallops, Chili-Espresso Wild Boar Bacon and Salsify
Macchiato Cake, Creamy Caramel, White Coffee Milkshake
Housemade Indonesian Sumatra “Triple Pick” Coffee Liqueur
Perk will take place between 6 and 10 p.m. and is $85 per person, with coffee and wine pairings. A limited a la carte menu will be available that evening in Talavera, as well. To make reservations for Perk, call Four Seasons Resort Scottsdale at Troon North at 480.513.5020. http://www.talaverarestaurant.com/.
Next Week: Coffee-Pairing Dinner