Through Oct. 31, Sapporo is taking part in Breast Cancer Awareness Month by partnering with Belvedere Vodka to launch the Scottsdale restaurant’s first-ever “Breast of Scottsdale” menu. With the new menu, guests can order pink-themed food and drink items throughout October with a portion of the proceeds benefitting the Arizona Institute for Breast Health (AIBH).
Take a look at the “Breast of Scottsdale” menu:
• The Flirtini – Belvedere Vodka, Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge, Cranberry Juice, Lime Juice
• The Pink Geisha – Belvedere Vodka, Grand Marnier Cordon Rouge, Black Raspberry Liqueur, Fresh Strawberries, Basil Leaves, Cranberry Juice
• Hollywood Cocktail – Belvedere Pink Grapefruit, Fresh Grapefruit Juice, Grenadine, and Egg White
• Pink Panang Chicken Skewers
• Pink-fin Ahi Tuna Poke
• Pink Velvet Cake Pops
AIBH is on a mission to offer Arizona women diagnosed with breast cancer a second opinion on their treatment options, completely free of charge.
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Valley Restaurant Supports Breast Cancer Awareness